Wednesday, May 20, 2020

It’s already pushing 80º the morning. It’ll be heading north of 90º again this afternoon. The world is green but the sky has that grayed out look of a high sheet of clouds.

I’m out on the front porch this morning. A cardinal is serenading me from the oak tree at the end of the house. The mimosa tree is a hummingbird and butterfly buffet with all of it’s pink blooms.

I am afraid this latest experiment by our Republican Governor isn’t going to turn out well. As I make my few excursions into the wilds that have become Texas, I see more and more of my good neighbors following our president’s example and exercising their right to ignore science and medical advice and not wear a mask. Welcome to post-covid America… home if the brave and foolish.

I’ve already removed our favorite local cafe from the list we would support after they relaxed the social distancing and all of the staff quit wearing masks. We supported them throughout the shutdown with takeout orders… but I can’t support their decision to put my health at risk.

Well, the coffee mug is almost empty… the cardinal’s still singing… and I have emails to read and news to peruse. So maybe, if the rain don’t fall and the creek don’t rise, I can keep these muses going another day.

Weather Update: Early afternoon edition…