Sunday, August 11

Another warm and humid, dog day of summer. A day I wouldn’t consign a dog to being outside. Miserable days and nights to be outside… though, I recall a summer in the late seventies or very early eighties where the actual temperature was above 105º for day after day after day.

That summer I spent a few weeks standing and painting our first house. It was so hot that my clothing choice was a pair of bluejean cut offs and a respirator to keep the paint dust out of my lungs. Sanding and scraping all the way down to bare wood then a coat of oil based primer followed by two coats if paint… I was proud of myself that summer. And boy, what a tan.

Memories of a misspent youth…

Today’s photo…



2 thoughts on “Sunday, August 11

  1. I’m not sure I’d call it a misspent youth, but it sure does bring back memories of those days when the heat just “was” — not any more enjoyable when it came to chores like that, but maybe not as oppressive. I went over to east Texas today and spent a few hours in a plant preserve over there. The first thing I did when I got home was have a popsicle, a couple of glasses of ice water, and a good, long nap. I think I’ll not look at the forecast for tomorrow!

    1. Back in those days, they never spoke of heat indexes. It was just hot.

      But, like you, I find myself stocking popsicles in the refrigerator these days for both the grandkids and myself.

      Sadly I did check the long range forecast and no change is in sight for the foreseeable future.

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