Hazy, bright, and cool on the back porch for my morning coffee muses.
My breath is visible as a self made fog. The field is covered with dew, the air above filled with a light haze. Moisture everywhere under a autumnal blue sky.
No breeze this morning. Not a breath. I am feeling the need for the ceiling fans. Especially with the sun shining down into this protected alcove.
I hear northern cardinals even if I don’t see them. A hummingbird visited the feeder.
I’m hearing a tractor working along the bayou. It must be on the other side, as I didn’t hear it move from the barn on my side.
I guess the news yesterday surprised no one but the President and his base. Who would of thought a Trump supporter trying to assassinate Trump critics. Trying to assassinate the past two Democratic Presidents.
I am only surprised, really by the total lack of character the President has shown in this episode. No… actually, I’m really not surprised, it’s in character with all of his past actions. It’s the one thing that has flabbergasted me all along. His base support from those claiming moral superiority to us morally stunted Democrats.
I may not go to church, but I know right from wrong. And folks, the President, he’s just wrong in every way that matters. And, if your religious leaders aren’t telling you that every week… maybe you should find a better moralist.
Take that thought with you to services this weekend…