I beat the sun up this morning to enjoy a cool morning coffee muses.
The roosters are crowing off in the county somewhere. But, here on the back porch, it’s really a quiet Monday morning. The ceiling fans are all that’s required at this time to keep it comfortable.
Yesterday’s family reunion was as disappointing as it could be. Some of Jan’s family, some of my family, and some of Patsy’s family. Probably the lowest turnout we’ve seen in years… I’m not even sure we’ve ever had a smaller turnout.
I’m worried this event won’t survive the grandkid’s generation. That’s my generation. So far, most of my kids attend each year.
I guess we will see what next year brings. It’s the 60th annual event. Maybe being a decennial anniversary will entice people to come.
The weather prognosticators are foretelling of much cooler weather by the end of the coming week. I even saw a prediction for overnight lows in the upper fifties. Daytime highs lower than the overnight lows are right now. Fall is coming. Halloween is right around the corner.
Just for the record, this is the third or fourth post I’ve done entirely on my phone instead of the Kindle Fire. I’m actually liking the WordPress app on the phone, while it always causes problems on the Kindle.