Sunday, September Twenty-third

A coolness in the damp air has the first day of autumn actually feeling like autumn for this Sunday morning coffee muses.

Thunder and lightning played in the sky about midnight last evening. The ground is showing evidence of overnight rain. The forecast is for more today. Though, when I walked out, patches of blue were showing through the clouds… now, not so much.

The crepe myrtle tree behind the cars is still carrying some blooms. Our crepe myrtles are old. They’ve probably been in the ground for longer than I’ve been on earth. But still, they are small trees, clumping, old fashioned… a grandmother’s yard tree. Ours mark what would have been the boundary of the original backyard.

The chickadees have already visited the feeder. The hummingbirds are battling as usual. Somewhere, not too far away, a mockingbird sings.

And way off to the north, there’s a popping sound… it just registers on the edge of perception.

And a titmouse visits me.

For a moment, and just for a moment, the sun came out.

It’s time for me to think about breakfast… later