Saturday, September First

It’s a rainy start to the new month, thunderstorms are moving over to start my morning coffee muses.

I’m really liking the new phone, if only for the camera. These daily photos look so much clearer. And the WordPress app is actually working, making it easier to share the images to this blog.

Since I’ve been sitting here on the front porch, one thunderstorm has moved over. It’s gone from heavy rain to light rain, from light rain to drizzle, and now it’s picking back up. And radar shows more rain moving in from the coast… I’m going to have to move the smoker up to the porch to smoke my brisket… hopefully I’ll get a break in the rain to do that.

I’m also going to have to track down some wood. The big HEB I shopped at yesterday had nothing after their remodel. I’ll need to drive into Pearland and try the HEB there.

One nice thing about the rain though… It’s cool out this morning.

The first birds on the feeder today were a couple of titmouses.

We’ve had enough rain that there is water standing in the low spots of the driveway.

Time to move on…