Sunday, August Fifth

Clear blue skies, still air, a summer morning coffee muses.

The soundtrack of my morning is the cheep, cheep, cheep of cardinals in the trees. While the first bird on my feeder today was a blue jay.

The thunderstorms of yesterday spent all day teasing us. They train north just to our west. We spent the day watching copious amounts of rain fall on folks just down the road. Finally at the end of the day we caught a couple of very light showers. They wet the drive and supplied a bit of watering for the grass.

Though it did lower the temperature enough so I could comfortably sit out on the porch h and read as the sun sank into the west. I’m rereading a book I read many years ago called The Postman, it was made into a movie starring Kevin Costner. The book came out in 1985, the movie in 1997. I liked both back in the day, so when the book showed up on one of my kindle book lists at a price I found reasonable, I decided it was time to revisit it. So far, I’m glad I did…

It’s warming up out here. Time to transition inside…