Warm and a bit humid, mostly clear skies at this time… Summer’s Morning Coffee Muses.
The birds are loud this morning. It could just be the Carolina wren, he sings at twice the volume of most other birds.
The first bird on the feeder today was a chickadee.
The air has an odor of something burning lingering in it. A fireplace smell… old campfire.
The squirrel is back on the limb eating pine cones. The litter under is perch is astounding.
I’m hearing a bird call that sounds familiar, but not too familiar. I think it’s an Eastern Wood-Pewee. Thinking back I saw a bird on my feeder yesterday that I thought looked like a Tufted Titmouse, but without the full tuft on it’s head. Now I know what I was looking at…
Company is coming today. Sherry’s uncle comes down from Rockdale twice each year to visit Sherry’s mom. He makes the trip around his birthday and around hers. This is his birthday trip. They will run into Pearland, then we will all meet for lunch. Then eventually we’ll end up back at our house for coffee and conversation.
I can tell summer is moving on by the amount of sunlight on this back porch. Already, the sun is rising further south each day. Soon I’ll have to open the umbrella up for shade…
Mockingbirds are competing for the most complete song this morning. From the tops of multiple trees.
It’s getting warm, and my coffee’s gone… Later.