Sunday, June seventeenth

Clouds moving in, dark with the threat of rain… Father’s Day morning coffee muses.

The first bird on the feeder today… one of the chickadees.

Now a light rain is falling. It’s getting to be a pattern. The smell of rain, the cooler temperatures, everything a person could want on a summer’s morning. Radar shows this lite shower to be an outlier, isolated, moving thru fairly quickly.

Now sun. Now clouds again. It’s funny how deep and clean the greens look after being washed by a little rain…

It’s quiet out this morning, just the sounds of nature. Birds and cicadas… The sounds of summer.

Every evening, before I head in to bed, I step out on this porch and check the night. Most of the time, I’ll stand until I catch glimpse of a firefly. I almost always see at least one… Usually a few. Which makes me feel good because we haven’t killed them all off yet.

There’s a train whistle blowing way down south. And, more rain drifting up from Santa Fe. I’m starting to see a training effect setting up. Do you think the rain has acquired a whistle?

It’s clouding up again and my cup is empty… I guess it’s time for breakfast…