Thursday, May seventeenth

Not as cool, but sunny, cloudless and heading for a near record again, morning coffee muses.

Another mockingbird morning. With a train air horn in the distance. Rubber tires making traffic noises on the bypass. And still, no cicadas are filling the humid air with their buzz.

I see a cattle egret moving in the tall grass of the right-of-way to the east.

Now steel wheels on steel rails are competing with rubber tires on the bypass to see which background noise will surpass the other.

The neighborhood murder of crows is making it’s way through my aural world. I’ve discovered that they can find scattered old dog food that I’ve needed to get rid of but keep forgetting about. It looks like they are heading into my front yard to chow down again this morning.

The prognosticators are calling for another mid-nineties high today. That’s just way too warm to enjoy. Oppressive is what it is. Hot… humid… by midday it’s just time to hang out inside with a good book. As long as my kindle is loaded with unread books and the internets are available for the news of the day, I’m good to go… stay out of the heat.

It looks like my neighborhood Mississippi Kite has returned to his perch. Today’s the first I’ve seen of him this year. I was holding out hope that they would return.

The cup is empty once again. Time to head in and leave the backyard to the birds… they’ll all be happier without me being out here.