Saturday, twelfth day of May

Stepping out I was slapped in the face with warm and humid for my morning coffee muses.

Wow, what a difference two days can make to the feeling of the morning. It’s the first morning where it reallocated feels like a summer morning. The weather station in the picture above is reading 83°, with a heat index of 90°, and it not even 8:30 yet.

But, the Deere meditations are done for another week or so… And, for better or worse, the lawn is looking very lawnlike. Who would have thought all those years ago when I planted those little bare rooted trees that they would look so good from this porch that wasn’t even in my imagination.

The birds are relatively quiet this morning… all except the blue jay that just landed on the feeder. But all around, the territories are set, the males are singing just to let everyone else know they are there. Nobody is showing off for the females… In many cases the first broods have fledged and left the nest.

I noticed yesterday there are still dewberries ripening among the thorns in a number of areas around the place. The blackberries are just getting up to size but far from ripe. The fig tree is covered with small green figs. Even the elderberries are starting to show, though not much bigger than the head of a pin.

For the last little while the clouds have been masking the sun. It feels cooler even if it’s not.

Well the coffee cup is empty and the house is full of grandkids… I better get in before my better half becomes unsettled.