It’s warmer outside, almost hot where the sun beats down on this morning coffee muses
We have been offline now for almost twenty hours. It’s funny/sad how much of our life requires an internet connection. I am sitting here waiting for the Xfinity/Comcast tech to show up. I have a guaranteed window of 8am – 10am. I don’t understand how an area wide outage morphed into a site based trouble outage…
I went out on the front porch this morning for my muse. I took my three snaps with the kindle and discovered I had no note taking app on the tablet. So I sat and drank my coffee as I watched the territorial battles of the birds coming and being chased at the feeders. The only species that doesn’t seem to have these territorial battles are the Carolina Chickadees. I wonder why that is… I guess I’ll need to follow up once I can get online again.
If this morning is any indication (along with the ten day forecast I saw yesterday) our cool spring mornings are a thing of memory. And a fond memory they’ll be as we move into real summer morning temperatures. The overnight low was almost ten degrees warmer than what we’ve been experiencing. And the son on my arms and legs this morning was already bringing the heat.
The mimosa tree is already blooming and I can see multitudes of additional flower buds all over the tree. Add to that the sunflowers around the feeder and the tickseed blooming in the bed and it’s definitely beginning to look a lot like summer.
I’ve planned for an offline existence even as I’ve come to enjoy the online experience. My Kindle is loaded with books I haven’t read… And many I will read again. The entertainment wall has hundreds of DVDs and Blu-ray discs on the shelves. And real books and Magazines are everywhere around the house. But really… To have to get my news from broadcast TV with all of the minutes of commercials. I find the very thought discouraging.
I might be in worse shape than most… It seems like I’ve had on demand Internet since the mid ’90’s. It wasn’t always fast, it wasn’t always stable… but it was there at the sound of a dial tone…
I just had a large mostly black(?) wading bird land in my trees out front. Going thru the Sibley’s it looks like it could be a Glossy Ibis… That’s just a preliminary guess based on some quick glimpses out the front window. I have been seeing more ibises flying over this years than in years past.
I just got a text that the tech is on the way… It’s 8:30. Now it 9:00 and we are half way through our two hour window with not a sign of the big white and red truck or van… Arrival happened at about 9:30. Checked every connection from my modem to the pole and the trouble is somewhere up the line. Trouble report turned in and internets still down. Hopefully a line truck will make it out today, if not it could take 48 hours… Sounds like a partial return of money paid in advance for service, don’t ya think. In the mean time it’s books and movies time….
11:45 Internet is back up for me. So I now have over 70 emails from the past day, 60+ feeds to read, untold Facebook posts… I’ll be busy