Friday, November 3

Just another warm, humid early November morning coffee muses.

It’s warm… It’s sticky… It’s overcast… Basically it’s a normal fall day on the Gulf Coast. The ceiling fans are on high. The floor fan is on medium. The mechanical wind is trying to fool the body into thinking it’s last week again and cool out here. Trying anyway…

There are a lot of birds moving thru the sky. Singly, in pairs, and in small flocks. Mostly blue jays and doves. But, I hear chickadees and titmice chittering in the cedars.

The Chinese tallows are showing about as much color as we can expect. The smaller bald cypress trees are turning their fall copper color, the larger cypress trees are still mostly green. The pecan trees are the last to leaf out in the spring, then the first to lose their leaves in the fall.

The sprinklers on the septic system are going off. It just goes to show you how much the power has been off in the past year. They are supposed to go off in the middle of the night. Now they go off at 9:30 a.m. and water the trees out back.

Well, the cup is dry and it’s time to see what the world is up to…