Tuesday, May 2

Warmer, Not Quite Muggy Not Quite Unmuggy Morning Coffee Muses

Warmer, Not Quite Muggy Not Quite Unmuggy Morning Coffee Muses

Another morning on the back porch as we are moving closer to summer… And summer’s heat. Already pushed above 70 before I came out. If yesterday’s any indication we will be above 90 by the afternoon. And this is just the middle of spring.

A new first time visitor to my feeder. A male red winged blackbird. He’s chirp, chirping away. Now he’s gone. The bluebird dad is teaching the two fledglings how to forage for bugs. And a hawk just settled in on a bottom branch of the back pines to watch the yard.

Yesterday I heard my first short cicada buzz. It was so unexpected I stopped and listened for a few moments… sure enough, there it was again. It’s too early to be hearing the background sound of summer…

Another sure sign of summer… dragonflies. I am seeing more dragonflies this year. Yesterday afternoon there must have been over a hundred patrolling on the eastern side of the house. Though I miss the summers past when you would see a thousand or more patrolling their own little domains out back. Blue ones over here, maroon ones over there, green ones over yonder. Tiny ones, huge ones, skinny ones, fat ones… dragonflies everywhere. Throw in the call of a pileated woodpecker and you could be back in the Cretaceous.

Well, another morning well spent on the porch. Now I feel the call of fatty fried foods. Bacon and eggs I mean. Later…