Sunday, April 9

Blue Jay Playground On A Spring Sunday Morning Coffee Muses

Blue Jay Playground On A Spring Sunday Morning Coffee Muses

Since I sat down this morning I’ve seen a dozen or more blue jays flying around the backyard. A real preponderance of jays.

Last evening I enjoyed watching the day fade into night right here on the back porch. I had my Kindle, was reading a book, just enjoying the peace and quiet through the annoying background of almost heard music from the festival a mile away on the other side of the college. All day long the music was just loud enough to be there without being loud enough to actually understand.

What was really amazing though was the fireflies. This is probably the best firefly year since the very first year we were here on the property. It really reminded me of my childhood, chasing around with our glass jars catching our own nightlights to sleep with.

I have a cardinal serenading me from the red oak tree. The bright crimson of the bird against the pale green of the newly opened leaves is beautiful matching the song…

I had better put an end to these muses… it’s getting to be time to go in and start cooking brunch. The one time of the week I cook my wife’s first meal of the day.