Only George Will Could Start A Column Like This

Unlike most of the 111 that preceded it, the 112th Congress must begin the process of restoring the national regime and civic culture the Founders bequeathed. This will require reviving the rule of law, reasserting the relevance of the Constitution and affirming the reality of American exceptionalism. George F. Will – A Congress that reasserts its power.

Think about that statement a bit. A leading conservative voice in America says that in the past two hundred years most sessions of Congress have failed to live up to their constitutional mandate…No wonder Mr. Will sounds cranky most of the time. His views on what Congress should be doing are always being dashed.

Later in the column he makes this statement:

Too many “laws” actually are little more than pious sentiments endorsing social goals – environmental, educational, etc. – the meanings of which are later defined by executive-branch rule-making. In creating faux laws, the national legislature often creates legislators in the executive branch, making a mockery of the separation of powers.

So…A leading conservative believes that many of the laws passed by Congress are fake. That environmental laws, that education laws, that even the laws dealing with social services are fake or to use Mr. Will’s high brow term “faux”. No wonder so many on the right are upset with this country’s direction…They believe that for over two hundred years the laws being passed are not real laws. I guess if you follow this argument to it’s logical conclusion, they don’t feel obligated to follow or enforce those very same laws.

I don’t doubt Mr. Will’s conservativeness. I just find it amazing that the very same conservatives who preach limited government and the rights of the people are always the one’s wanting to limit my progressive rights to believe and live my life as I want.