The topic of the night here in the US is a rumored deal in the works between Google and Twitter. Michael Arrington reported tonight that acquisition talks are in late stages, then revised his report with another source close to at least one company saying that the talks were in early stages.
Whatever stage these talks are in – some big issues are raised by the possibility of such a deal happening. We’ll be posting a ReadWriteWeb staff round table discussion on the topic in 7 or 8 hours, but we thought we’d ask our European readers, who are just starting a new day, for their thoughts in the meantime. We’d love to wake up to some fresh thinking on the topic.
via Dear Europe, How Would You Feel About Google Buying Twitter? – ReadWriteWeb.
What this says to me is that Ev has hit on the only surefire way to make money in the Web 2.0 world…Come up with a novel idea, sell it to the opinion makers, wait for the viril growth, then sell it to Google. If he works this twice, I’ll say he’s smart. If he can do it again after Twitter…I’ll claim he’s a genius…