Ok, so it's official now...My part of the world is in severe drought conditions. I kinda' figured as much since I haven't really needed to mow in over a month. Already dealing with high fuel prices, farmers now face rare drought | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle It was only last…
While at work yesterday, most of the area received a good soaking rain. Not near enough to erase our deficit, it at least will prolong the time before we completely burn up. When I arrived home there was still water standing in some of the depressions about the yard...Rain puddles...Who…
DailyOM - Entering Awareness Our inner guidance will lead us, so that we will be drawn to the right doorway for us--a doorway that only we can recognize by the way it makes us feel inside. It could be a picture of an angel or the gift of a crystal.…
Tis a hell of a note when the temperature that greets you upon walking out of the house at 6am feels like 85°. Not a good sign for early June. And so starts my day. I see this unseasonable warmth has moved all the way to the Blue Ridge Mountains…
For those who are following the rough weather... Wunder Blog : Weather Underground The tornado that devastated Parkersburg, Iowa on Sunday has now been rated an EF-5 by the National Weather Service. An EF-5 is the strongest possible classification a tornado can receive, and is only given to those tornadoes…
Tuesday Evening It was good to get back to work after a long and busy weekend. It seems to have been one of those weekends that requires a work week to recuperate from. I spent two days finishing up a bit of remodeling and furniture construction (good ol' IKEA). You…
I know I shouldn't complain... Currently (on Sun 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Cloudy Temp: 81° (Heat Index 86°) Dewpoint: 73° Wind: SE 6 MPH But come on...A heat index that tells me that it feels like 86° before 6am... No wonder this looks so good... Currently (on Sun…
But it left the humidity behind for today at least...The weather station on the shelf tells me that as the sun sets in the west the temperature is still floating at 86°. Amazingly the humidity is reading 37%...Lord it's hot for May. The prognosticator on the radio during my drive…
I woke up this morning and spring appears to have made a return...At least for a couple of days. The house is open, windows and doors, and the cool breezes are blowing through. The temperature this morning at daybreak (54°) was the same as in Floyd, Va on the Blue…
Shifting winds: A victory for island development | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Weather forecasters and climatologists have long warned that unbridled development of the vulnerable Gulf Coast is setting the stage for a disaster that might dwarf the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Coming hard on Katrina's heels was Rita, which…
Summer's back...Both the temperature and the humidity are back. No wanting to spend the morning in the backyard today. Though I must admit the birds seem to like the weather just fine. Loud greetings to the day were heard even through the closed doors and windows. Over the weekend we…
The weekend weather was trying...Thunder boomers rolling through on Friday night. Rain off and on all day on Saturday as we were chained to the house waiting for a furniture delivery. More rain and thunder on Sunday before the front finally pushed through. This morning we had temperature more in…
We appear to have fallen off of the weather pattern we have enjoyed for the past month or so. It was nice while it lasted...Cold front on Thursday-Friday to blow out the stale air, cool it down just a bit and dry it out to a comfort level not usually…
The small number of posts this week can be blamed on the beautiful spring weather we have been experiencing. I have been spending most of my free time out in the yard enjoying the cool and the low humidity...Sadly it wont last long. Lows have been in the 40's and…
Eugene Robinson - The Surge Turns Into the Stall - washingtonpost.com Of course, Bush long ago lost any credibility with Congress and the American people on Iraq. It's understandable that he hides behind Petraeus's breastplate of medals and Crocker's thatch of gray hair, sending these loyal and able public servants…
Current Weather (on Wed 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Partly Cloudy Temp: 72° Dewpoint: 66° Wind: SE 6 MPH What isn't shown in that snipit from my email is the humidity. Right now it is 94% and rising...Just think, we call this spring around these parts. You should see…
On the first day of spring I don't know whether to welcome spring or to welcome it back after our preview of summer over the weekend...This morning is starting out at 47° with the prognosticators pushing for the low 70's by afternoon. Now that is what I call spring. "What…
I see from my weather report that we are having another anomalous day where the temperature here matches my favorite ares of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Of course in order for this to have happened the mountains had to warm up 20° while we cooled down a like amount. Yesterday…
E. J. Dionne Jr. - The Street on Welfare - washingtonpost.com Never do I want to hear again from my conservative friends about how brilliant capitalists are, how much they deserve their seven-figure salaries and how government should keep its hands off the private economy. The Wall Street titans have…
The sunset last evening was fairly nice. Clearing skies after a round of rough weather blew through on a cold front. Here is a shot of the abandoned jeep my ex-neighbors left behind... The back door is closed this morning and the heat pump is on in the heating cycle. …
From my Wednesday drive... Deserted beaches are why I spend my birthday watching waves...Texas winter weather is what makes it worthwhile. Handbook of Texas Online - SURFSIDE BEACH, TX SURFSIDE BEACH, TEXAS. Surfside Beach, also known as Surfside and Follett's Island, at the mouth of the Brazos River on the…
It was a great trip...not so great for pictures, but a hell of a way to recharge the psychic batteries. The weather was beautiful. Nothing but blue skies and sunshine. Temperatures started out cool in the low 40's but by afternoon had warmed up into the low 60's. The wind…
No matter what the weather brings tomorrow, I will spend the day on my annual photo road trip/beach meditation party. This will be the third annual event. A holiday from work I present to myself. A day of wandering the countryside of my life. If the prognosticators are right, the…
I read this in the latest "News From Vermont" sent out by Burr Morse...This issue was written by Weston Cate. It doesn't make any difference whether or not the Ground Hog sees his shadow on February 2. What does matter is that date marks the halfway point in the winter.…
Our run of not half bad weekends continues...The sun is out in a mostly clear sky. The temperature is already threatening to pass 60 degrees on this midwinter Saturday morning. As I sat here musing this morning, I was struck again by the amount of green I still see through…
'Tis the last day of January and the month has flown. We seem to be riding a weather roller coaster this week. Three mornings ago it was in the low 40's the next day was 70. Yesterday we were back in the 40's. Today it's in the mid 60's. They…
It ain't much of a question...But lately as I get up in the morning or read email of a evening, I find myself searching for a reason to start a conversation. Even if I'm only talking to myself...You would think I could come up with something to say...But, no, the…
The level of concentration that has been required for the past few weeks at my day job has had consequences on the level of posting going on at this blog. By the time I get home each day all I want to do is vegetate. By the time I drag…
I saw this in my morning email. Dear Sir/Madam, You have won One Million Pounds Pounds Sterling on the Uk Lotto-GmbH) . Always Quote the information below to us: Reference Number:EUM-347-DGS-689 Batch:538901527-Bc65 Contact Agent Below Mr Tony Risby London Representative Office. Phone Number:(0044) 7960021562 Best Regard, Mr John Williams For…
The weather out this morning was frightful...windy, cold (for SE Texas), and wet. So here is a sunrise from earlier this month. I was a little late to get the full effect...What a gorgeous morning... Y'all have a great weekend.