Today was mowing day around this place...Last time I mowed I picked up a bunch of nails in the tireson the Deere so the first order of business was pulling out the nails and plugging the holes. I have no idea where I managed to pick up the tire holers,…

Monday Morning Backs Into Winter

I woke up this morning to a blustery north wind driving temperatures into the 40's. Tonight the weather prognosticators are predicting lows in the 30's. It would appear winter (at least our kind of winter) isn't through with SE Texas. As I wait for springs return and the yard work honey-dews that will accompany it, here are some more of my spring photo's fropm last week...

Morning Routine

Waking up...wandering into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee...firing up the laptop...opening up the morning email...checking the overnight blog stats...checking the weather forecast both here and in the mountains... It always hits me as a little odd when I check the weather and the temperature here is lower…

Is it really “Victory Garden” Time?

My reading on the web keeps coming across a common thread...It's that over and over in blog posts and comments people are talking about buying seeds and starting to raise vegetables again. It looks like I'm not the only one making the connection. Here is what Verlyn Klinkenborg had to…