While at work yesterday, most of the area received a good soaking rain. Not near enough to erase our deficit, it at least will prolong the time before we completely burn up. When I arrived home there was still water standing in some of the depressions about the yard...Rain puddles...Who…
And the conservative will discount the numbers because of the source...But come on, can't we expect a little bit of research from the speech writers? Fact check John McCain: Another of my disagreements with Senator Obama concerns the estate tax, which he proposes to increase to a top rate of…
As always, Bill Moyers gives a hell of a talk... YouTube - Bill Moyers addresses NCMR 2008 Legendary journalist Bill Moyers address the National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis, June 7, 2008. Presented by FreePress.net. For more speakers, press coverage, and info, visit: http://www.freepress.net/conference Now...Go Tell It... And Tell…
Obama's In Control: No More Lobbyist Contributions To Democratic Party - Politics on The Huffington Post "The DNC and the Obama Campaign are unified and working together to elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. Our presumptive nominee has pledged not to take donations from Washington…
Tis a hell of a note when the temperature that greets you upon walking out of the house at 6am feels like 85°. Not a good sign for early June. And so starts my day. I see this unseasonable warmth has moved all the way to the Blue Ridge Mountains…
Clinton's Count Doesn't Add Up - washingtonpost.com You have to admire Hillary Clinton for her ability to reshape reality to her preferred outcome. She seems to assume that if she says something loudly enough, and repeats it often enough, it will become true. Her victory speech in Puerto Rico was…
Way back when, in the final season of the West Wing there was an episode with the title "The Presidential Voice". The premise was that Congressman Santos didn't have the "Presidential Voice" and they were trying to teach it to him. Long story short...You don't teach the "Presidential Voice", it…
Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS
May 2, 2008
BILL MOYERS:Welcome to the Journal.
I once asked a reporter back from Vietnam, "Who's telling the truth over there?" Everyone he said. Everyone sees what's happening through the lens of their own experience." That's how people see Jeremiah Wright. In my conversation with him on this broadcast a week ago and in his dramatic public appearances since, he revealed himself to be far more complex than the sound bites that propelled him onto the public stage. Over 2000 of you have written me about him, and your opinions vary widely. Some sting: "Jeremiah Wright is nothing more than a race-hustling, American hating radical," one viewer wrote. A "nut case," said another. Others were far more were sympathetic to him.
Interesting little legal quandary... McCain's Birth Abroad Stirs Legal Debate - washingtonpost.com The Senate has unanimously declared John McCain a natural-born citizen, eligible to be president of the United States. That is the good news for the presumptive Republican nominee, who was born nearly 72 years ago in a military…
Paul Krugman's latest column focuses on food. Wander on over and check out his thoughts... Grains Gone Wild - New York Times These days you hear a lot about the world financial crisis. But there’s another world crisis under way — and it’s hurting a lot more people. I’m talking…
YES! Magazine Exclusive Interview :: Pete Seeger “I remember Pete Seeger from when I was a child and this story-telling, banjo-picking singer would come on his sloop, the Clearwater, to the neglected little parks that lined the Hudson River not far from my home. His presence brought people together to…
For everyone who has heard Clinton won Texas (over and over and over again), the voting ain't over till it's over... Party's not over for Texas Democratic caucus-goers | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Clinton, a senator from New York, won the March 4 primaries and collected a 65-61 lead in…
Eugene Robinson has a really good muse on the Iraq war in todays column...It starts with this: Eugene Robinson - 4,000 Dead for What? - washingtonpost.com When U.S. military deaths in Iraq hit a round number, as happened Sunday, there's usually a week or so of intense focus on the…
It's not just the laws that have been passed. It's not just the laws that have been vetoed. It's not just the laws that GW Bush has said don't apply to him as he signed them. In many ways it comes back to the appointments made to the different departments…
Paul Krugman has an informative column up today... Contrary to popular belief, the stock market crash of 1929 wasn’t the defining moment of the Great Depression. What turned an ordinary recession into a civilization-threatening slump was the wave of bank runs that swept across America in 1930 and 1931. This…
I'm a liberal, and I loathe the anti-American things Wright said precisely because I believe that the genius of our country is its capacity for self-correction. Progressivism and, yes, hope itself depend on a belief that personal conversion and social change are possible, that flawed human beings are capable of…
Ozone Rules Weakened at Bush's Behest - washingtonpost.com The Environmental Protection Agency weakened one part of its new limits on smog-forming ozone after an unusual last-minute intervention by President Bush, according to documents released by the EPA.
When this year started, I figured the Democratic Party had a really good thing going. There were low polling numbers for the Republicans and we had some really good candidates running. As the primaries and caucuses worked their way down the schedule, Hillery and Barack both broke out and I…
Where is the Cookie Monster (oops...sorry) when you need him?
A personal observation from my polling place yesterday...There were lines on the Democratic side of the room but none on the Republican side. And this area is mostly Republican. We don't field a full slate of Democrat candidates for any elections in this area... Caucus crowds amaze election officials |…
The political novelty of actual campaign money being spent by national candidates in Texas is a subject of conversation around the water cooler at work. Between the two of the, Clinton and Obama have spent more money in Texas than all of the Democratic National campaigns of the last half…
At least that is what the Washington Post is saying... System Worries Clinton Backers - washingtonpost.com Supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton are worried that convoluted delegate rules in Texas could water down the impact of strong support for her among Hispanic voters there, creating a new obstacle for her…
I have been voting in Presidential Primaries and Elections since the 1970's and never once have I seen anything other than local election commercials. Today I have seen multiple Obama spots and even a Clinton spot. Wow...Who Would of Thought...Texas has a say? I am so used to being in…
I generally try very hard to keep from going off about politics. I have even sidelined my political musings at my other blog because there just didn't seem to be much use. Bush was going to be Bush and Congress wasn't going to hold him accountable for anything at all.…
Smile everybody. YouTube.com is three today. Registered on February 15, 2005... Happy Birthday YouTube... ++++++++++ Well the redbirds are back this morning. The kitchen door is open again with outside temperatures in the mid 60's. The skies are cloudy...no sun showing this morning and rains are coming according to all…
Well looky here...Texas could have something to say about who is running for President. Not something I would have expected before Tuesday. What a turn around for the state that first elected George W Bush to elected office.. Harris County emerges as major player in primaries | Chron.com - Houston…
It ain't much of a question...But lately as I get up in the morning or read email of a evening, I find myself searching for a reason to start a conversation. Even if I'm only talking to myself...You would think I could come up with something to say...But, no, the…
In the business world the dollar is the religion of choice, with it businesses are able to buy politics. This years political buy has started in the dirtiest business in America. Coal Industry Plugs Into the Campaign - washingtonpost.com A group backed by the coal industry and its utility allies…
It's raining today so I'm sitting at the kitchen table listening to the raindrops with Mary Gauthier playing in the background. Of the things I had on my wishlist for Christmas, two were her latest recordings. Ever since I discovered her last year, I have been in love with the…