Zell Miller was right sort of - Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog.
Pre-Election Day Twenty O'Eight While everyone else is focusing on the election tomorrow, Bush and Company are getting a lot of the agenda they tried to pass and failed to do done anyway. The power of the executive office being used better to overthrow the will of the people. They…
The Center for Responsive Politics calculates that, by Election Day, $2.4 billion will have been spent on presidential campaigns in the two-year election cycle that began in January 2007, and an additional $2.9 billion will have been spent on 435 House and 35 Senate contests. This $5.3 billion is a…
Currently (on Tue 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Clear Temp: 41° Dewpoint: 34° Wind: Calm MPH I woke up this morning at about 3:45 smelling something burning. Sherry sat up at about the same time and said something. We both jumped out of bed before I realized it was the…
Just call me Paul the Professor Colbert, via Crooks and Liars: I for one appreciate the McCain campaign treating us like children. McCain will bring us back to a simpler time. A time when you could identify your neighbors’ jobs by the hats they wore. Like Sam the Fireman, Bill…
This I can believe... Check out the comments from the Congresswoman from Minnesota at about 2:40...Are we back to McCarthyism already? When I heard her on Cris Matthews' podcast I was amazed by her comments...
This link is as much for me as it is for you few folks who read these daily musings. Farmer in Chief By MICHAEL POLLAN Dear Mr. President-Elect, It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is…
Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, launched the attack Saturday and repeated it twice Sunday, signaling a new strategy by John McCain's presidential campaign to go after Obama's character. "The comments are about an association that has been known but hasn't been talked about," Palin said as she boarded her plane…
Every time Joe Biden made mention of the last eight years, Sarah Palin would chastise him for looking to the past not the future. Look who's digging deep now. SEDONA, Ariz., Oct. 4 -- GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin opened a new assault on Barack Obama on Saturday, accusing…
Makes sense to me...
After wondering for days where the cool mornings the weather prognosticators kept telling me about were hiding, they arrived this morning. As a native to this climate in SE Texas, I am always amazed to hear these same prognosticators (most of whom arrived from climes much closer to the poles)…
But it’s equally clear that in recent years Mr. McCain has become impish cubed — impulsive, impetuous and impatient — and those are perilous qualities in a commander in chief.(1) What we learned last week is that the man who always puts his “country first” will take the country down…
As a die hard West Wing fan I just loved this from Maureen Dowd... OBAMA The problem is we can’t appear angry. Bush called us the angry left. Did you see anyone in Denver who was angry? BARTLET Well ... let me think. ...We went to war against the wrong…
Deprivatization I wish people wouldn’t say that Fannie and Freddie have been “nationalized.” I mean, it’s basically accurate, but it conveys the wrong impression. The fact is that Fannie Mae was originally a government agency; it was privatized in 1968, not for any good economic reason, but to move its…
For all the Republicans who are exulting that there’s now a “rock star” on the GOP ticket (and all the Democrats who are freaking out about it), there is one minor detail that’s worth considering in the days and months ahead. And that is that the “rock star” on the…
Hurricane Rita Image by alpoma via Flickr As of this morning at 7am this was the latest on what was happening with our tropical weather As the three-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina nears, federal, state and local officials along the Gulf Coast are keeping a wary eye on Tropical Storm…
Anything Wendell Berry writes is worth the time it takes to digest...My recommendation is to go spend some time today with the man... The general reaction to the apparent end of the era of cheap fossil fuel, as to other readily foreseeable curtailments, has been to delay any sort of…
This one's for you... While reporters at The Post and The New York Times have been vetting McCain, many others give him a free pass. Their default cliché is to present him as the Old Faithful everyone already knows. They routinely salute his “independence,” his “maverick image” and his “renegade…
This has to be one of the strangest things about Texas Republicans... When health care in Texas makes headlines, the issues raised by administrators and physicians are hardly rosy. They include overcrowded emergency rooms, mounting hospital budget deficits created by unfunded indigent care, and uninsured rates for adults and children…
Obama is the first political figure since Carter to understand the energy efficiency and conservation approach and actually try to present it to the American people. Republicans want to nip it in the bud -- that's why they are so aggressively jumping on the tire gauge thing. They want to…
In order for the American dream to work, everyone must do their part. As you can see from this report, the majority of the corporations doing business here don't. WASHINGTON — Two-thirds of U.S. corporations paid no federal income taxes between 1998 and 2005, according to a new report from…
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Ohio Sues Over Trouble With Voting Machines - washingtonpost.com During the May primary, Brunner said officials in Butler County, north of Cincinnati, realized that 150 votes were dropped when they were being transferred from memory cards. When Brunner looked into it, she found that…
Could McCain possibly have received a better response to his "Celebrity" ad than this? See Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad and more funny videos on FunnyOrDie.comSee more funny videos at Funny or Die For the first time in my life I have to say...You go girl...
This project began as so many good things do, over a cup of coffee. So begins the preface to Rebooting America, Ideas for Redesigning American Democracy for the Internet Age. Dana Boyd blogged about the availability of the download this morning and I pulled the pdf down before leaving the…
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Yesterday there was an op-ed in the Times that said a lot of what I have been feeling here lately...and said it well...Go read the whole thing... Thomas L. Friedman - Anxious in America - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com “America and its political leaders, after…
David Broder has a column today that touches on a subject that has bothered me for a good while... After watching the effects of the Delay led gerrymander in Texas a few years ago I have felt that it is time for us to do something to end the safe…
A good overview of the Keith Olbermann rise in the New Yorker. It was nearly midnight before Keith Olbermann left the NBC News election studio on May 13th, having spent five hours on the air, co-anchoring coverage of the West Virginia Democratic primary. Olbermann had a short ride home from…
Hmmm... Eat that?: Agriculture secretary's reassurance rings hollow in light of current industrial beef processing | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle "Every single carcass that's processed is inspected by a USDA inspector," Schafer told reporters in San Antonio. "That beef is stamped A-OK, and we want to assure our consumers here…
State GOP targets Obama at Houston convention (w/video) | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Cornyn was among several speakers who called the party home to its philosophical foundation and urged voters to view Obama as a near-socialist who doesn't share Texas values. The state's other senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison, said Obama…