Every day the news brings more drought news around here. Today it's about the trees... Houston's trees need help. It may not be obvious yet, but without substantial rain in the next few weeks the effects of this year's drought may greatly reduce the area's green canopy in five years,…
Another long term effect of last falls hurricane season... Doctors who work in Houston’s busiest maternity ward say they’re expecting an especially bustling June, leading some to conclude that Hurricane Ike was the perfect storm for making babies. It’s been eight months since Ike knocked out the region’s electricity, leaving…
Last nights batch of thunder boomers must have dropped a goodly amount (though, more normal) of rain since there are still some rather full puddles in the yard.
Leave to a youngish mind in a middleaged, out of shape body to discover the hard way (always the hard way) that he cannot still do everything he once did. Yesterday I decided, at long last, to finish the distruction of our dog pen that Ike had started. Bearing in…
Coffee Muse I like coffee so much that I have tea for breakfast: The first cup of the day in particular is so good that I’m afraid I won’t be able to properly appreciate it when I am half-asleep. Therefore, I celebrate it two hours later when I am fully…
Sitting here before sunup with the french doors open in the kitchen...Bird calls and air cool enough to keep the AC from kicking on (at least for an hour or so) wafting through with the aroma of the mornings coffee. The temperature is almost 70 again heading for the mid…
Traffic signals at about 1,200 Houston area intersections were not yet working Tuesday but should all have at least a flashing red light by the end of next week, said Mike Marcotte, the city's director of public works and engineering. "I've been amazed with the courtesy our drivers have been…