It was already above 80 degrees when I stepped out on the front porch this morning. Warm and muggy, standard summertime faire. The extended forecast has rain back in the picture on Sunday before a string of higher probability days start next Wednesday. Well my trip into town for Covid-19…
The one thing that really hit me hard on this trip was how green everything is this winter. After last summer's seared color scheme, the winter's green and brown scheme is a bit disconcerting.
I took my new toy out with me this morning to see how well it would work in the early morning light...Seemed to do pretty good all things considered.
For a couple of weeks now, this scene has caught my eye as I traveled between Alvin and Angleton. The grass heads were a bright pink in the sun. Each time I would want to stop and try to capture an image. Each time I didn't for one reason or…