Good article on the food safety issue from The Ethicurean Blog. Down on the farm Here’s a quick backgrounder: After the E. coli/spinach episode in 2006, big leafy greens producers in California (where the toxic spinach was grown) got together and drafted guidelines to reduce the risk of contamination on…
As I slide down toward another weekend, my feedreader brings me this from Mark Peacock at Appalachian Treks... Appalachian Treks: Serene Majesty There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations. --Washington Irving…
This was in my morning email news feed from Grist... TOP STORY With Gore Galore Al Gore will run as Independent for president, Bloomberg tapped as veep You might want to sit down for this: Al Gore has announced his candidacy for president. Wait, wait, don't get up…
I have a question for ya...Why is it that real restaurant coffee cups hold the heat so much better than the coffee cups you get everywhere else? Ever since we came back from vacation with a couple of Blue Ridge Restaurant coffee cups from Floyd Virginia both Sherry and I…
You know it's time to go back to work when you get up and the weather outside has turned back to Texas. It's 65° with a humidity of 97%. In other words, looking outside right now you can see the air under the neighbors night lights. The prognosticators are predicting…
These first days back at work are taking a lot out of me. My posting is slip sliding away, and I don't like missing a post after getting the habit pretty much ingrained. Today in my web wandering I stumbled across a reference on Appalachian Treks to the everybodyfields a…
One of the blogs I like that comes from the Appalachian Mountains is: Appalachian Treks Here's another bit of advice I read somewhere that changed the way I take pictures: Find a different perspective. The vast majority of all photos are taken from a position 5'2" to 6'2" off the…