We have fallen into the Texas Gulf Coastal winter weather pattern I remember from my youth...Overcast and damp...Cool and breezy... Just generally dreary all day every day. Though, I must say, after a few years of less than optimal rainfall patterns, a bit of dreary misty, rainy weather is appreciated.…
It's been a bit over a week since the Great Backyard Bird Count came to an end. This was my first ever participation in the nationwide (continent-wide) event. I have to wonder though...Who told the birds to spend four days hiding. It was almost like they heard a rumor that…
The one thing that really hit me hard on this trip was how green everything is this winter. After last summer's seared color scheme, the winter's green and brown scheme is a bit disconcerting.
Image via Wikipedia It's funny what a change of a hundred feet can do to a view. For almost 20 years we have lived on this property. For all but the last few months though, we were living up under the oaks with open field between the front "woods" and…
Here lately I've been taking my morning coffee out to the back porch of the new house most mornings. I noticed something this morning that had been kind of bothering me even as it hadn't processed yet...The birds are not singing the sun up these days. Don't get me wrong,…
Sitting out every morning this spring with my coffee mug I have been entertained by the Eastern Bluebirds that have made their home in m y backyard. As I have become acquainted with these beautiful birds for the very first time this year I was surprised at how quickly their song has…
When I was "retired" in late 2008 I really didn't retire. I continued to try and occupy my days with a "job". So it was that I began to build a online "publishing empire" aimed at the Appalachian Mountains that had captured my dreams. The beginnings had been there before…