Tuesday, February 6th Today is my birthday. My 70th. And on this day, I will be visiting my late mother's home.. making arrangements for her estates sale. So.... Once again I will miss my birthday road trip. A tradition I maintained up until the past few years. It would have…
Monday, February 5th With the winds blowing that close to 20 mph out of the north this morning, it was quite cool standing on the front porch. Well, it's finally here.. very last day I will spend in this lifetime in my 69th year.
Friday, February 2nd
Thursday, February 1st Happy birthday Abby! 🎁 Even though I took these photographs.. images.. shots early this morning... I seem to have forgotten to post them. So here they are... Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 31st
Tuesday, January 30th Starting on the front porch at 6:30 a.m. . An ending on the front porch at 7:40 a.m.. With a couple of stops on the back porch in between...
Monday, January 29th It's a mostly cloudless sky.. and the sunshine on a chili morning is welcome. The temperature this morning is 37°. And we could use a few days of sunshine just to dry out a bit.
Saturday, January 27th The sun is still shining on the tops of the trees. And there are quite a few clouds blowing in from the north. So I think I will sit here for just a few more minutes and see what the real sunset will bring...
Monday, January 22nd Since yesterday morning, the temperature has risen slowly but surely. At the moment it's 54°. And it's raining.. lightly. According to the weather prognosticators, this is what our week will be... Such is winter on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Friday, January 19th It's a beautiful, cool, but breezy morning. The temperature is 47°. And the winds are out of the north. But the sky is mostly clear. And the sun is shining brightly... Oct Yesterday as I was driving back from a doctor's appointment, I began to get a…
Wordless Wednesday, January 17th
It's really an uncommon sight here in my area to see ice sparkling on tree limbs in the sun. It's 10:45 and the sun is causing a virtual heat wave outdoors... The temperature has risen to a wonderful 25°.
Tuesday, January 16th Well, winter road in and decided to stay a bit. Yesterday wasn't supposed to be so cold. As it was, we didn't get above freezing all day long. And this morning it's a cold 19°. That's cold especially when you add the wind chill.. the "feels like"…
Monday, January 15th The world outside my window is dark and gray. Even though the sun is up.. there is no sign of it above the clouds. Already it is the coldest morning of the winter. But that's a record that won't last.... Tomorrow will be colder. And Wednesday will…
Sunday, January 14th It's quite chilly outside at 48°.. or 43°.. or 45°.. (depending upon whose site you look at), but it's only going to get chillier over the next couple of days. The Arctic front that everyone has been talking about for days and days... It's finally passed us…
Saturday, January 13th It's 31° this morning... But it's headed up to 65° by afternoon. Once again there's frost on the grass. That's about as close as we ever come to snow most winter days. Everyone is still on pins and needles for the upcoming winter storm... Looking ahead, we…
Friday, January 12th And finally, the winds have slacked.
Friday, January 12th It's a very blustery day. The temperature has already dropped 8° since I got up this morning. The temperature will be falling all day long as the northwind blows in a winter storm. My day started out at 68° , and the low for the day is…
Thursday, January 11th As I sit here on the front porch, the temperature is already 59°. The forecasted high is 76°. So yes, we are at the peak of the roller coaster that Texas weather is this time of year. Saturday morning the low is forecasted to be 36°. Early…
Wednesday, January 10th
Tuesday, January 9th This morning's temperature is a chilly 43°. It would be pleasant except there's a very strong breeze out of the north northwest. Once again though, we are definitely in the winter time roller coaster. Check out the extended forecast... I find myself just a little bit leary…
Monday, January 8th, 5:30 p.m.
Monday, January 8th It's an almost cool 63° this morning. And there's misty light rain falling. Between the breeze and the moisture in the air, it fills much cooler than the temperature says it should feel.. The forecast for today is for rain and a high of 74°. Not an…
Sunday, January 7th It's glowing outside the windows. The fog is so thick that it is almost impossible to see the tree lines. Even the trees directly behind the house are obscured. I've never quite understood why my photos taken in fog never really show the fog as it appears…
Saturday, January 6th 7:00 AM It's been 3 years since January 6th became a historic day. And for three years I have been amazed. By the way, the alternative facts people have spun the story... But on this Saturday morning as the fog hangs heavy and the temperature stalls at…
Thursday, January 4th I am up in the dark this morning to get the grandkids off to school. The temperature outside is 41°. The moon is high in the deep blue sky above our the trees out back. As I write this the sun still hasn't risen. To capture the…
Wednesday, January 3rd
Tuesday, January 2nd It's the second day of the year. It's the second overcast day of the year. It's the first day of the year to feel like winter. The only carryover from the holiday season is the undecorated tree in the corner. Today will mark the last day of…
Happy New Year's! The start of this day is pretty much a metaphor for the start of this year. The fog is soupy, obscuring what's right in front of us. I hate to draw parallels.. but it's very easy to do. So I think I'll just leave everyone to celebrate…