Author: Gary Boyd
Springtime in SE Texas?
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. – John Muir ++++++++++ As I wandered by the weather station above the coffeepot this morning I was struck by the 6am temperature...68°! Now, the question that raises is; did I…
Monday Morning Muse
While I have only experienced temperatures of this nature once in my life, I do remember being surprised at the time that the cold didn't feel that cold...Of course, that was Colorado. The only time I've seen temperatures in the teens around here it's felt very, very cold...I guess that's…
Saturday morning web wandering…
I have a question for ya...Why is it that real restaurant coffee cups hold the heat so much better than the coffee cups you get everywhere else? Ever since we came back from vacation with a couple of Blue Ridge Restaurant coffee cups from Floyd Virginia both Sherry and I…
Drive to work…
It is a monochromatic world I pass thru on my drive to work today. After a week of beautiful, clear, but cold mornings, the overcast sky today has shut down the world's colors. The leafless trees show gray bark to the world. Even the evergreens along the edge of the…
Photo Friday: Passage of Time
Old Farmhouse, Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia, November 12, 2007 Passage of Time - Fri Jan 04, 2008 This week's challenge: 'Passage of Time'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image,…
First Day of Work, Twenty O’Eight
It's not quite sunup outside and I've made it through my email and the necessary blogs before work. I've been playing with Twitter a bit over the past few days but I'm still not quite sure why. It seems like broadcast IM and I never saw the real reason for…
Hello Twenty O’Eight
"New Year's Day--Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.~ Mark Twain I went to bed early last evening and slept late on this new years morning (unlike Fred). I thought I'd get up and…
The last of Twenty O’Seven…
This morning is glowing...The light outside is golden. I would be outside trying to capture a remembrance except the temperature is at 40° and the humidity is 88%. Too cold by far for the shorts and long sleeve "t-shirt" I am wearing. I don't know if it means anything, but…
The Last Weekend of Twenty O’Seven
It's not a happy subject, but global warming is going to move up on everyone's radar in the coming year. Here is what Bill McKibben had to say in todays Washington Post... Bill McKibben - Remember This: 350 Parts Per Million - This month may have been the most…
You can only believe it if you see it…
December 26, Twenty O’Seven
It's raining today so I'm sitting at the kitchen table listening to the raindrops with Mary Gauthier playing in the background. Of the things I had on my wishlist for Christmas, two were her latest recordings. Ever since I discovered her last year, I have been in love with the…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Since you asked…
Here's a bit of trivia I am sure you all have wondered about. say you haven't... Tex-Arcana: Where did Texas toast come from? | - Houston Chronicle A miscalculation is credited with fostering the creation of "Texas Toast," the oversized grilled bread slices that now regularly appear beside…
Ending the year in style…
Here it is early afternoon on Friday before Christmas. I should be out shopping for a few last minute gifts for my wife...Instead I'm sitting here in the kitchen with the double French Doors wide open, sun streaming in, listening to the wind chimes out back and the crows in…
Slow Gardening and Felder Rushing
It's been a while since I last mentioned Felder Rushing, so today's podcast led me back to his websites. One of the first things I saw online about Felder was a reference to slow gardening...Here is a handout from Felder's Slow Gardening Website... Slow Gardening Handout SLOW GARDENING Slow gardening…
Musing my way through Wednesday morn…
Something is strange with my blogs. For some reason my search engine hits are climbing at (for here anyway) unusual rates. Believe me I'm not complaining, I might make some new friends. A five and six fold increase in the number of hits is appreciated, and if most of them…
The difference in 24 hours…
Yesterday morning at this time the temperature outside my door was 36°...Today it's 61. When the sun rose yesterday the ground was white with the second frost of the year. I'll be surprised if we see the sun this morning. I see this toasty weather outside my door isn't being…
Feed Reading…
My Monday morning reading of the feeds over coffee and toast led me to this via The Ethicurean: Chew the right thing. Michael Pollan - Argiculture - Disease Resistant Staph - Concentrated Animal Feed Operations - Sustainability - New York Times Confucius advised that if we hoped to repair what…
Morning Drive
Today's commute to work looked quite wintry. The sky was flat gray and hanging just above the power lines from the look and feel. The roads I drive in on are wide and gray under my wheels. Four and six lanes of divided concrete ribbons once I hit the expressway.…
Photo Friday – Sunrise
This week's challenge: 'Sunrise'. Sunrise from Craggy Gardens on the Blue Ridge Parkway Sunrise Sunrise Looks like morning in your eyes But the clock's held 9:15 for hours Sunrise Sunrise Couldn't tempt us if it tried Cuz the afternoon's already come and gone And I said Hooo, hooo, hooo To…
What a difference a day can make…
Yesterday morning at this time the temperature was in the 70's today it's in the 40's. Other than light rain falling I like today's temperature much better. ++++++++++ I see my ex-Gov is still at it. Compassionate Conservative that he is, he has been kicking SCHIP for a decade longer…
The Weather Just Keeps Throwing Surprises
The cold front that is putting a big chunk of the country in winter stalled just north of my house yesterday. The cooler air made it as far south as the office before deciding to run back north to more friendly environs. Though this mornings presentation is in the 60's...barely...…
Morning Treks…
On my Monday morning trek to the "curb" this morning the thermometer on the front porch was reading 72°. After dropping the garbage bag in the cage and coming in to coffee and toast I read the following... Cold, wet weather reaching into most Texas areas | - Houston…
The weather outside is...springlike. Not what you want to get you into the Christmas spirit. The high here today could break the record for high temperatures on this date. Here we sit, just after noon on a cloudy day, under an acre of green leaves of oak trees with the…
A new day…
Again today the internet connection is being problematic. I guess I shouldn't have been so easy with my praise of AT&T last week when asked about their dsl service. It almost makes me wonder if this isn't my comeuppance for saying good things about the phone company. Reading through the…
Wednesday Afternoon In Paradise
I had my first inspection of the ole vocal chords this afternoon. The Doc was happy with the appearance of my vocal chords so I guess I am too. It looks like it's time to pop the cork on that wine bottle I've been saving...Cameron Hughes Lot 21, 2004 Zinfandel.…
Power Outages and Internet Interuptions
Sunday night as we were preparing the evening meal the power blinked off for a few seconds for no known reason. The only evident results at the time were a few clocks that started blinking when the power returned. So we reset the clocks (all on ovens) and went on…
December Heat Spell…
I went out for a walk this morning with the camera because I noticed the red oak out back finally decided it autumn. The predominate color is still green around here, but what do you expect when the temperature outside is 75° at 10am on a Sunday morning. Here's what…
TGIF – Looking forward to December
We seem to be having another of those foggy fall mornings...The temperature is predicted to be rising through the weekend. I have even heard predictions of 70's this weekend. So it looks like fall has teased us again. Just another example of the many changes life puts us through. Life…