Monday Morning Muse

While I have only experienced temperatures of this nature once in my life, I do remember being surprised at the time that the cold didn't feel that cold...Of course, that was Colorado. The only time I've seen temperatures in the teens around here it's felt very, very cold...I guess that's…

Drive to work…

It is a monochromatic world I pass thru on my drive to work today. After a week of beautiful, clear, but cold mornings, the overcast sky today has shut down the world's colors. The leafless trees show gray bark to the world. Even the evergreens along the edge of the…

Since you asked…

Here's a bit of trivia I am sure you all have wondered about. say you haven't... Tex-Arcana: Where did Texas toast come from? | - Houston Chronicle A miscalculation is credited with fostering the creation of "Texas Toast," the oversized grilled bread slices that now regularly appear beside…

Feed Reading…

My Monday morning reading of the feeds over coffee and toast led me to this via The Ethicurean: Chew the right thing. Michael Pollan - Argiculture - Disease Resistant Staph - Concentrated Animal Feed Operations - Sustainability - New York Times Confucius advised that if we hoped to repair what…

Morning Drive

Today's commute to work looked quite wintry. The sky was flat gray and hanging just above the power lines from the look and feel. The roads I drive in on are wide and gray under my wheels. Four and six lanes of divided concrete ribbons once I hit the expressway.…