I generally try very hard to keep from going off about politics. I have even sidelined my political musings at my other blog because there just didn't seem to be much use. Bush was going to be Bush and Congress wasn't going to hold him accountable for anything at all.…
Smile everybody. YouTube.com is three today. Registered on February 15, 2005... Happy Birthday YouTube... ++++++++++ Well the redbirds are back this morning. The kitchen door is open again with outside temperatures in the mid 60's. The skies are cloudy...no sun showing this morning and rains are coming according to all…
It was just eight days ago that I took myself off on my annual Birthday/Photo Roadtrip. This image is one of the ones I captured on that day. This shot was taken in San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge but it could have been taken in a number of other locations…
The sunset last evening was fairly nice. Clearing skies after a round of rough weather blew through on a cold front. Here is a shot of the abandoned jeep my ex-neighbors left behind... The back door is closed this morning and the heat pump is on in the heating cycle. …
I haven't been in tune with Garrison for a while but today's poem seems to have something to say about where I am...right now. We'll never get there, Time is always ahead of us, running down the beach, urging us on faster, faster, but sometimes we take off our watches,…
More from my birthday roadtrip... This photo was taken at about the location of the cross hair on the map below, facing west across the Brazos River. The white smudge on the horizon is smoke from one of the many grass fires that were burning that day along the coast.…
From my Wednesday drive... Deserted beaches are why I spend my birthday watching waves...Texas winter weather is what makes it worthwhile. Handbook of Texas Online - SURFSIDE BEACH, TX SURFSIDE BEACH, TEXAS. Surfside Beach, also known as Surfside and Follett's Island, at the mouth of the Brazos River on the…
Well looky here...Texas could have something to say about who is running for President. Not something I would have expected before Tuesday. What a turn around for the state that first elected George W Bush to elected office.. Harris County emerges as major player in primaries | Chron.com - Houston…
It was a great trip...not so great for pictures, but a hell of a way to recharge the psychic batteries. The weather was beautiful. Nothing but blue skies and sunshine. Temperatures started out cool in the low 40's but by afternoon had warmed up into the low 60's. The wind…
No matter what the weather brings tomorrow, I will spend the day on my annual photo road trip/beach meditation party. This will be the third annual event. A holiday from work I present to myself. A day of wandering the countryside of my life. If the prognosticators are right, the…
via whiskey river "Just as the highest and the lowest notes are equally inaudible, so perhaps, is the greatest sense and the greatest nonsense equally unintelligible." - Alan Watts I find that quote both disturbing and dishearteningly astute. It is disturbing mainly because if the greatest nonsense is unintelligible, how…
I read this in the latest "News From Vermont" sent out by Burr Morse...This issue was written by Weston Cate. It doesn't make any difference whether or not the Ground Hog sees his shadow on February 2. What does matter is that date marks the halfway point in the winter.…
Our run of not half bad weekends continues...The sun is out in a mostly clear sky. The temperature is already threatening to pass 60 degrees on this midwinter Saturday morning. As I sat here musing this morning, I was struck again by the amount of green I still see through…
Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge Brazoria County, Texas Dec 2006 This week's challenge: 'Misty'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this for more info.…
'Tis the last day of January and the month has flown. We seem to be riding a weather roller coaster this week. Three mornings ago it was in the low 40's the next day was 70. Yesterday we were back in the 40's. Today it's in the mid 60's. They…
What a difference a day can make...Yesterday at this time it was 70° outside, today it's 44. It looks like winter is back for a day or two. I heard the prognosticator on the radio yesterday warning about rain moving in this afternoon and evening, so the clear skies of…
One of the first blog's I began to read regularly a couple of years ago was Patry Francis' Simply Wait. I kept returning because of the finely crafted personal stories she told on her blog. She was one of the few bloggers I know who will almost always cause me…
It ain't much of a question...But lately as I get up in the morning or read email of a evening, I find myself searching for a reason to start a conversation. Even if I'm only talking to myself...You would think I could come up with something to say...But, no, the…
The level of concentration that has been required for the past few weeks at my day job has had consequences on the level of posting going on at this blog. By the time I get home each day all I want to do is vegetate. By the time I drag…
I saw this in my morning email. Dear Sir/Madam, You have won One Million Pounds Pounds Sterling on the Uk Lotto-GmbH) . Always Quote the information below to us: Reference Number:EUM-347-DGS-689 Batch:538901527-Bc65 Contact Agent Below Mr Tony Risby London Representative Office. Phone Number:(0044) 7960021562 Best Regard, Mr John Williams For…
Talk about touching a chord in my psyche. Verlyn's essay on driving and learning to drive is poetic in the way it pulls memories out of the dregs of my subconscious and plants them in the forebrain, full of scents, and sounds, and muscle memory. Being from Texas, I was…
The weather out this morning was frightful...windy, cold (for SE Texas), and wet. So here is a sunrise from earlier this month. I was a little late to get the full effect...What a gorgeous morning... Y'all have a great weekend.
In the business world the dollar is the religion of choice, with it businesses are able to buy politics. This years political buy has started in the dirtiest business in America. Coal Industry Plugs Into the Campaign - washingtonpost.com A group backed by the coal industry and its utility allies…
I heard this on my drive home... NPR : Co-Creator of Frisbee and Hula Hoop Dies at 82 All Things Considered, January 17, 2008 · Richard Knerr, co-founder of the company responsible for turning the Hula Hoop, Frisbee and many other ingenious creations into iconic toys died Monday at age…
From my email... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv7Dx2mRH5I Satish Kumar speaking on YouTube Resurgence Magazine
The pace at work since the new year has been quite frantic. I find myself sleeping late almost every morning. It's cutting down on my musing time as I have my toast and coffee each morning. Some mornings it seems like I barely get through the email and important reader…
One of the fun things about checking the visitor stats on this blog (and NC Mtn Dreams) is you sometimes stumble on someone who stumbled onto you. Just such a case happened this morning as I checked my email and munched on my toast. I started seeing referrals from a…
After three days of enjoying blue skies and shorts and t-shirt weather, it's back to the office cubicle. Low light levels and mood music as I spend the day working in virtual 3d worlds. Ever since the first of the year the workload has spiked. So that by the days…
I am enjoying a beautiful winters day of forced leisure. The sun is shining in a bluer than blue clear sky. The temperature is in the mid 60's with just a slight breeze blowing from the north. It's a quiet, lazy Friday with most folks at work or in school.…
Shot outside of Las Vegas, Nevada as I killed time before flying home after a couple of weeks on a job. This week's challenge: 'Mountain'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge…