This week's Challenge: 'Electricity'. Please read our Participant Guide before deciding to submit a link. Your link must be to a static page that will always show your challenge image, and not your website's main page. Read this for more info. Reminder: Submit only one link per challenge! When you…
We appear to have fallen off of the weather pattern we have enjoyed for the past month or so. It was nice while it lasted...Cold front on Thursday-Friday to blow out the stale air, cool it down just a bit and dry it out to a comfort level not usually…
And the party never ends... Robert Earl Keen is a hell of a story spinner and a pretty good songwriter. Sherry was a waitress at the only joint in town She had a reputation as a girl who'd been around Down Main Street after midnight with a brand new pack…
Well I finally took the plunge and upgraded my WordPress to the latest version. If you should happen to hit any glitches, please...please let me know... It looks like I'll be spending a little time figuring out what's happening.
'The tide is turning,' victorious Clinton says | - Houston Chronicle "Because of you, the tide is turning." I suppose the question is...Exactly how many Republican voters does it take to turn a Democratic Primary tide? ++++++++++ Whatever » 10 Delegates? Really? After all that, Hillary Clinton nets just…
Happy Earth Day...Twenty-eight years ago on Earth Day I, I could have been anywhere...I really do not recall what that sophomore in high school was doing. Especially since those days were lived down wind from one of the largest petrochemical complexes in the world. I grew up just a couple…
The last couple of weeks have been really nice. Cool nights days in the mid 70's at the highest. Today though it looks like summer is coming on. The temperature this morning at 6am is 73° with a high forcast for the mid 80's. Now I know for a lot…
Watching the Democratic Debate the other night left me with the strong suspicion that it isn't just Washington and politicians living in a bubble...It appears the mainstream media is living right in there with them. I mean, it can't be just me, can it? Who the hell really thinks that…
The small number of posts this week can be blamed on the beautiful spring weather we have been experiencing. I have been spending most of my free time out in the yard enjoying the cool and the low humidity...Sadly it wont last long. Lows have been in the 40's and…
Occasionally a blog entry will touch a spot in me that makes me do something...Cate's "ramble" today was one... Beyond the Fields We Know: Looking for... Some places arrange themselves perfectly in eye and viewfinder, and yet they do not speak or sing. Others, often on cold, dank and foggy…
Eugene Robinson - The Surge Turns Into the Stall - Of course, Bush long ago lost any credibility with Congress and the American people on Iraq. It's understandable that he hides behind Petraeus's breastplate of medals and Crocker's thatch of gray hair, sending these loyal and able public servants…
“The most alarming sign of the state of our society now is that our leaders have the courage to sacrifice the lives of young people in war but have not the courage to tell us that we must be less greedy and wasteful.” Wendell Berry, Farmer, Essayist, Conservationist, Novelist, Teacher,…
Current Weather (on Wed 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Partly Cloudy Temp: 72° Dewpoint: 66° Wind: SE 6 MPH What isn't shown in that snipit from my email is the humidity. Right now it is 94% and rising...Just think, we call this spring around these parts. You should see…
Corporate Croesus - New York Times It’s hard to square the conceit that chief executives are rewarded for improving companies’ performance with the fact that chiefs at 10 financial-services firms in the study made $320 million last year, even as their banks reported mortgage-related losses of $55 billion. Meanwhile, the…
Paul Krugman's latest column focuses on food. Wander on over and check out his thoughts... Grains Gone Wild - New York Times These days you hear a lot about the world financial crisis. But there’s another world crisis under way — and it’s hurting a lot more people. I’m talking…
The first wealth is health. - Ralph Waldo Emerson If you are as skeptical as I am about most of modern medicine's miracle drugs, you might not want to read this book review. It will just reinforce what you already assume is the truth... Big Pharma's Golden Eggs -…
YES! Magazine Exclusive Interview :: Pete Seeger “I remember Pete Seeger from when I was a child and this story-telling, banjo-picking singer would come on his sloop, the Clearwater, to the neglected little parks that lined the Hudson River not far from my home. His presence brought people together to…
This was in my morning email news feed from Grist... TOP STORY With Gore Galore Al Gore will run as Independent for president, Bloomberg tapped as veep You might want to sit down for this: Al Gore has announced his candidacy for president. Wait, wait, don't get up…
Another Reason To Be A Localvore... Did Your Shopping List Kill a Songbird? - New York Times Migratory songbirds like bobolinks, barn swallows and Eastern kingbirds are suffering mysterious population declines, and pesticides may well be to blame. A single application of a highly toxic pesticide to a field can…
Now this is just wrong... Katrina aid recipients may have to pay back millions | - Houston Chronicle NEW ORLEANS — Imagine that your home was reduced to mold-covered wood framing by Hurricane Katrina. Desperate for money to rebuild, you engage in a frustrating bureaucratic process, and after months…
For everyone who has heard Clinton won Texas (over and over and over again), the voting ain't over till it's over... Party's not over for Texas Democratic caucus-goers | - Houston Chronicle Clinton, a senator from New York, won the March 4 primaries and collected a 65-61 lead in…
A daily thought from Eknath Easwaran is delivered to my inbox by The Blue Mountain Center of Meditation. Each thought causes me to reflect a bit as I prepare to leave the house each morning. I found this one particularly thought provoking... Thy desire is thy prayer; and if thy…
On the drive in to work this morning I had to stop and shot this field of yellow wildflowers with the moon setting above. Truth be told I had to drive away from work to arrange to drive by this spot. It seemed worth while at the time...
Eugene Robinson has a really good muse on the Iraq war in todays column...It starts with this: Eugene Robinson - 4,000 Dead for What? - When U.S. military deaths in Iraq hit a round number, as happened Sunday, there's usually a week or so of intense focus on the…
It's not just the laws that have been passed. It's not just the laws that have been vetoed. It's not just the laws that GW Bush has said don't apply to him as he signed them. In many ways it comes back to the appointments made to the different departments…
Paul Krugman has an informative column up today... Contrary to popular belief, the stock market crash of 1929 wasn’t the defining moment of the Great Depression. What turned an ordinary recession into a civilization-threatening slump was the wave of bank runs that swept across America in 1930 and 1931. This…
I'm a liberal, and I loathe the anti-American things Wright said precisely because I believe that the genius of our country is its capacity for self-correction. Progressivism and, yes, hope itself depend on a belief that personal conversion and social change are possible, that flawed human beings are capable of…
On the first day of spring I don't know whether to welcome spring or to welcome it back after our preview of summer over the weekend...This morning is starting out at 47° with the prognosticators pushing for the low 70's by afternoon. Now that is what I call spring. "What…
I see from my weather report that we are having another anomalous day where the temperature here matches my favorite ares of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Of course in order for this to have happened the mountains had to warm up 20° while we cooled down a like amount. Yesterday…
E. J. Dionne Jr. - The Street on Welfare - Never do I want to hear again from my conservative friends about how brilliant capitalists are, how much they deserve their seven-figure salaries and how government should keep its hands off the private economy. The Wall Street titans have…