For those who are following the rough weather... Wunder Blog : Weather Underground The tornado that devastated Parkersburg, Iowa on Sunday has now been rated an EF-5 by the National Weather Service. An EF-5 is the strongest possible classification a tornado can receive, and is only given to those tornadoes…
Tuesday Evening It was good to get back to work after a long and busy weekend. It seems to have been one of those weekends that requires a work week to recuperate from. I spent two days finishing up a bit of remodeling and furniture construction (good ol' IKEA). You…
I know I shouldn't complain... Currently (on Sun 5:53AM CDT from Pearland Regional Airport) Cloudy Temp: 81° (Heat Index 86°) Dewpoint: 73° Wind: SE 6 MPH But come on...A heat index that tells me that it feels like 86° before 6am... No wonder this looks so good... Currently (on Sun…
You really have to appreciate Google putting these talks out on the web via YouTube...Here is Michael Pollan...
I saw this via Photovoltaic Moore's Law Will Make Solar Competitive by 2015 (Tech Talk) Silicon-based solar technology has decoupled from the semiconductor industry and is achieving steady cost reductions, so that those following PV discern a kind of Moore’s law at work. In 2005, production of silicon for…
Susan Albert linked to the National Arbor Day site and their animation showing the changes in hardiness zones. Lifescapes Yep, it's true--101.8 on our digital thermometer yesterday, and that's in the shade. Austin hit 101, too, a record temp for the day and an indication of what's in store in…
Leon is having the same thoughts I am as I drive circles around my place... Leon Hale: Cutting a 42-inch swath So now I mow the four acres myself, on a John Deere riding mower that cuts a 42-inch swath. Takes me a long time but I don't mind because…
This is how I spent my morning muse today...
But it left the humidity behind for today at least...The weather station on the shelf tells me that as the sun sets in the west the temperature is still floating at 86°. Amazingly the humidity is reading 37%...Lord it's hot for May. The prognosticator on the radio during my drive…
I woke up this morning and spring appears to have made a return...At least for a couple of days. The house is open, windows and doors, and the cool breezes are blowing through. The temperature this morning at daybreak (54°) was the same as in Floyd, Va on the Blue…
A few years back this note would not have even made it through the clutter of my brain... Robert Mondavi, 94; Noted Vintner Who Raised Quality of American Wine - Robert Mondavi, 94, who built what is arguably America's most influential winery by improving the once-dismal quality of California…
No ships coming to new Port of Houston cruise terminal | - Houston Chronicle The gleaming new $81 million cruise terminal at the Port of Houston will open soon, but don't expect throngs of passengers, streamers or cracking champagne bottles. Or a ship, for that matter. Port officials haven't…
Shifting winds: A victory for island development | - Houston Chronicle Weather forecasters and climatologists have long warned that unbridled development of the vulnerable Gulf Coast is setting the stage for a disaster that might dwarf the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Coming hard on Katrina's heels was Rita, which…
Looks like another import causing problems here in SE Texas. A Plague of Ants in Houston - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times BlogAs recently as Wednesday, all was well in Houston, at least according to the papers. But today, a story resembling “a really low-budget horror…
I've linked to the writing of Andy at The Ladybug Letter before. I first stumbled across him in a link to his history of field greens and spinach during the spinach disaster a year or so ago. I've been a subscriber to the newsletter he and his partners put out…
Summer's back...Both the temperature and the humidity are back. No wanting to spend the morning in the backyard today. Though I must admit the birds seem to like the weather just fine. Loud greetings to the day were heard even through the closed doors and windows. Over the weekend we…
There are many people in the public eye that leave me embarrassed of my home state...Bill Moyers is not one of them.
Spring decides to pay another short visit. We had another "cold" front slide through yesterday. I think it would be more accurate to call it a dry front. Sunday morning we watched the humidity drop from 90% down into the 20% range before wandering back up into the 40% area…
Why do we keep seeing this? When the Republican Presidential Candidate see us in Iraq for 100 years (it really doesn't matter what the role is), how can the budget for these operations still be an emergency appropriation? Not an Emergency - FIVE YEARS into paying for two wars,…
Today I imported all of the posts and comments from my old political rant site "Blues From The Red Side Of Life" into this blog and shut down the old Blogger site. It seemed the thing to do since I haven't posted over there in about a year and I…
Heading south on I45, middle of the night, looking to catch the sun rising on Galveston Island. This is the sound that blasted out of the 8-track in the VW Bus we used to haul ourselves and our boards south that summer almost 40 years ago...three or four buddies with…
This could explain the Republican love affair with GW Bush... Michael Gerson - Sticking Points for Obama - A president is expected to be a patriotic symbol himself, not the arbiter of patriotic symbols. He is supposed to be the face-painted superfan at every home game; to wear red,…
Two years ago today I started North Carolina Mountain Dreams, my first blog. That first post was entitled "Inventing the Myth as I Go". It seems that not much has changed in two years. I am still dreaming about the mountains, still creating the myth of my life as I…
Crank up the AC: 90-degree days return to Houston this week | - Houston Chronicle Summer's coming, and right on schedule, too. Forecasters say Houston's mercury should top 90 degrees Thursday or Friday. During the past decade, the year's first 90-degree day came anywhere from April 17 to May…
Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS
May 2, 2008
BILL MOYERS:Welcome to the Journal.
I once asked a reporter back from Vietnam, "Who's telling the truth over there?" Everyone he said. Everyone sees what's happening through the lens of their own experience." That's how people see Jeremiah Wright. In my conversation with him on this broadcast a week ago and in his dramatic public appearances since, he revealed himself to be far more complex than the sound bites that propelled him onto the public stage. Over 2000 of you have written me about him, and your opinions vary widely. Some sting: "Jeremiah Wright is nothing more than a race-hustling, American hating radical," one viewer wrote. A "nut case," said another. Others were far more were sympathetic to him.
Interesting little legal quandary... McCain's Birth Abroad Stirs Legal Debate - The Senate has unanimously declared John McCain a natural-born citizen, eligible to be president of the United States. That is the good news for the presumptive Republican nominee, who was born nearly 72 years ago in a military…
Check the Guide... Environmental Working Group || Be A Smarter Produce Picker — Get Our Free Guide! EWG always recommends buying organic, but we know you can't always find it. Our new Guide — now in its 5th edition — features the 12 fruits and veggies with the most…
I took myself and a glass of Zin out into the backyard to watch the evening light show...The fireflies were a bit subdued, but a pleasure to watch and wander once again through memories of the evenings when I was growing up and "lightning bugs" were everywhere.
The weekend weather was trying...Thunder boomers rolling through on Friday night. Rain off and on all day on Saturday as we were chained to the house waiting for a furniture delivery. More rain and thunder on Sunday before the front finally pushed through. This morning we had temperature more in…