Musing About The Texas Legislature

Magnum, P.C.: PI rule for computer techs doesn't benefit public | - Houston Chronicle Last year the Texas Legislature passed a law requiring anyone who retrieves data from a computer, analyzes it and makes a report to a customer to have a private investigator's license. The law is a…

Happy Birthday To US, America!

Enjoy the day...But remember the reason we celebrate. George F. Will - Independence Days - Certain politically charged rhetorical tropes were then society's common property. Writing shortly before his death, Jefferson affirmed his belief that "the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor…

Midweek Muses…

From the papers and email... Paul C. Light - Can't-Do Government - The next president will inherit what Alexander Hamilton called a "government ill executed." Now that's a legacy, George... ++++++++++ $6.64 for gas? That's what $200 crude will bring, Rice U. finds | - Houston Chronicle If…

Weekend Muses

Ok, so it's official now...My part of  the world is in severe drought conditions. I kinda' figured as much since I haven't really needed to mow in over a month. Already dealing with high fuel prices, farmers now face rare drought | - Houston Chronicle It was only last…

The Rule Of Law

As if we needed another reason to think that this years election is as important as any in a generation, the very fact that but for an appointment to come...George W Bush would not be denied the right to imprison his perceived enemies... Eugene Robinson - A Victory for the…