Midweek Muses…

From the papers and email... Paul C. Light - Can't-Do Government - washingtonpost.com The next president will inherit what Alexander Hamilton called a "government ill executed." Now that's a legacy, George... ++++++++++ $6.64 for gas? That's what $200 crude will bring, Rice U. finds | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle If…

Weekend Muses

Ok, so it's official now...My part of  the world is in severe drought conditions. I kinda' figured as much since I haven't really needed to mow in over a month. Already dealing with high fuel prices, farmers now face rare drought | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle It was only last…

The Rule Of Law

As if we needed another reason to think that this years election is as important as any in a generation, the very fact that but for an appointment to come...George W Bush would not be denied the right to imprison his perceived enemies... Eugene Robinson - A Victory for the…

Sunday Muse

At last someone who has noticed the same thing I've been saying for months to my family... Op-Ed Columnist - Frank Rich - One Historic Night, Two Americas - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com Given the dividing line separating the two Americas of 2008, a ticket uniting Mr. McCain and Hillary Clinton…

Hoover Hog

This has been a "wild" year around our house. So far this spring we have been blessed with four identical little armadillos, a litter of four raccoons, and a couple of opposiums. Down in this part of Texas most of the older homes are built up on blocks so that…

The Drive To Work Muse

This morning, driving in to work' I was passing through areas of misty rain. Heading north on Highway 6 there was a rainbow rising right out of the road. You have no idea how tempting it was to chase that rainbow and look for the pot of gold instead of…

What Is Blowing On The Wind?

Maybe the answer to some of our ecological problems... Out of thin air: Successful wind confab in Houston points up Texas' growing role in alternative energy development | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Although it tops the nation in the volume of man-made greenhouse gas emissions fueling global warming, Texas has…

What would you have done?

I've been reading Leon Hale as long as I've been reading anything other than the funny pages in the Houston Newspaper...Occasionally I link to his blog or the weekly column he has almost retired to. This post hooked me and reeled me in... What would you have done? Did you…