If you haven't discovered TED Talks yet, you should. Really smart, really passionate people giving really passionate talks about subjects they know and love to people who really listen...
After wondering for days where the cool mornings the weather prognosticators kept telling me about were hiding, they arrived this morning. As a native to this climate in SE Texas, I am always amazed to hear these same prognosticators (most of whom arrived from climes much closer to the poles)…
But it’s equally clear that in recent years Mr. McCain has become impish cubed — impulsive, impetuous and impatient — and those are perilous qualities in a commander in chief.(1) What we learned last week is that the man who always puts his “country first” will take the country down…
Traffic signals at about 1,200 Houston area intersections were not yet working Tuesday but should all have at least a flashing red light by the end of next week, said Mike Marcotte, the city's director of public works and engineering. "I've been amazed with the courtesy our drivers have been…
It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying…
As a die hard West Wing fan I just loved this from Maureen Dowd... OBAMA The problem is we can’t appear angry. Bush called us the angry left. Did you see anyone in Denver who was angry? BARTLET Well ... let me think. ...We went to war against the wrong…
After the storm, once you realize you've lived through another, your awareness of your surroundings is contracted. You begin by wandering around just your own little space surrounding your home...Checking for damage, fixing the immediate needs if possible. Then you begin to expand your awareness to your neighbors. First you…
We got our power and phones back last night. The neighbors are still dark. I don't know exactly what the it is the government learned from Katrina, but living through their opinion of a well run after disaster relief effort I am unimpressed. Ike plowed through here like a farmer…
This isn't looking very good...Again. The latest 12Z (8 am EDT) computer models continue to show that Ike will track northwest into the central Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday and Wednesday. However, there has been a major shift in the model tracks for Thursday and Friday. All of the models…
Deprivatization I wish people wouldn’t say that Fannie and Freddie have been “nationalized.” I mean, it’s basically accurate, but it conveys the wrong impression. The fact is that Fannie Mae was originally a government agency; it was privatized in 1968, not for any good economic reason, but to move its…
With Hurricane Ike set to travel nearly the length of Cuba today before heading into the Gulf of Mexico, residents from Texas to Florida face another week of worrying about whether their communities will fall in the storm's path. Some public officials said Sunday they are concerned that the frequency…
For all the Republicans who are exulting that there’s now a “rock star” on the GOP ticket (and all the Democrats who are freaking out about it), there is one minor detail that’s worth considering in the days and months ahead. And that is that the “rock star” on the…
Happy Papaw with newest addition to the family tree... Cameron Jay September 5, 2008 And with beaming Grandma And shortly it'll be back to the hospital.
I sit here this morning for the first time in months having my morning coffee with the door open and the sounds of birds and dogs and squirrels serenading me. The temperature has dipped into the upper 60's. Can winter be far off? I am alone in the house this…
And, I think, they find her acceptably “real,” because Palin’s not intimidating, and makes it clear that she’s subordinate to a great man. That’s the worst thing a woman can be in this world, isn’t it? Intimidating, which appears to be synonymous with competent. It’s the kiss of death, personally…
The drive to hire private contractors to take over duties performed by state employees in agencies under the oversight of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission — mandated by the Legislature five years ago — has been a slow-motion disaster. The commission was forced to terminate a major contract…
It's been quite busy the last week. Most of my online time is being spent working on updating my Genealogy Site...So here's a couple of pictures from the weekend... And later in the day... Later folks...
For all of you folks up north feeling the beginnings of fall in the air, here is my morning forcast of what faces me on the way out the door... Bobby Wright, Alvin, Texas (PWS) Updated: 2 sec ago Clear 79.7 °F / 26.5 °C Clear Humidity: 66% Dew Point:…
Image by Getty Images via Daylife Hurricane Gustav continues plowing inland, and is now just a Category 1 hurricane. The storm surge has peaked and is falling in New Orleans and along the Mississippi coast. A storm surge of 12 feet was recorded at Northeast Bay Gardene, and surges of…
...Eye of Gustav nearing the Louisiana coast...hurricane force winds over portions of southeastern Louisiana... A Hurricane Warning remains in effect from just east of High Island Texas eastward to the Mississippi-Alabama border...including the city of New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain. Preparations to protect life and property should have been completed.…
Just to keep up with the updates I started with this storm...
Over the years in the convention business, I've spent a bit of time in the city of New Awlins. I have friends who call the city home. I have co-workers who called the city home and now live in Houston. So I am saddened to see the area in the…
It's passing Cuba and the models are looking more and more like rain, rain, rain...Even if we miss the winds!
In 2005 the eye of Hurricane Katrina seemed to spare the low-lying neighborhoods of New Orleans as it moved to the east into Mississippi. Relief was short-lived as the backhanded surge of water from the storm breached levees and created an urban catastrophe that exposed fatal flaws in the nation's…
NEW ORLEANS — Hurricane Gustav strengthened into a dangerous storm today, and as city officials started evacuation plans, some residents weren't waiting to be told to leave. Cars packed with clothes, boxes and pet carriers drove north among heavy traffic on Interstate 55, a major route out of the city.…
I have always loved Fractals. I began playing with the earliest computer generation programs when I got my first PC. I have installed new programs on every PC I have ever owned. But I have never created anything like this... Chaoscapes from Rocco Helmchen on Vimeo.
Here it comes... MIAMI — Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami say Gustav has again strengthened into a hurricane. At around 2:15 p.m. CDT Friday, data showed the Category 1 storm had top sustained winds of around 75 miles per hour, and was still on track to hit…
Image via Wikipedia I don't know why these guys worry...My wife has already sent Gustav packing... Don't freak out about the newest models, but... The latest computer models have been released and they reflect a distinct shift westward, toward Texas, for Hurricane Gustav's path. This almost certainly presages a similar…
I took a day off from work today...It seemed like a good investment in mental health. My wife had already scheduled the day off planning for the scheduled arrival of our latest grandson. In case you are wondering, he's decided the schedule wasn't approved by his royal personage so he's…