Where Have the Bees Gone?

Bees are dying in droves. Why? Leading apiarist Dennis vanEngelsdorp looks at the gentle, misunderstood creature's important place in nature and the mystery behind its alarming disappearance. "Nature Deficit Disorder". Now there is a public health issue I can understand. I have been aware of being prone to the condition…

Merry Christmas

From Coffee Muses A fifty year old Christmas Card greeting being sent from my family one more time just as it was in 1958. Merry Christmas all... I'll be doing the family bit for the next couple of days. Y'all enjoy the holiday and I'll catch ya on the other…

Flu Season?

It looks like just about everyone in the house now has the flu...except me (knock on wood). What a great lead-in to the Thanksgiving Feasting. Tomorrow we head to my mom's where my clan and Sherry's will gather around a number of tables to see if we can get through…