Tuesday Morning Muse

Currently (on Tue 5:53AM CST from Pearland Regional Airport) Mist Temp: 66° Dewpoint: 66° Wind: S 9 MPH This is what greated me this morning when I woke up. According to the forcast it's going to stay like this all day long and then start heading down overnight. The highs tomorrow…

Peanut Butter Recall

“This is an excellent illustration of an ingredient-driven outbreak,” said Dr. Robert Tauxe, who oversees foodborne illness investigations for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So far, more than 470 people have gotten sick in 43 states, and at least 90 had to be hospitalized. At least six deaths…

Peanut Butter – Second Strike

Health officials are urging nursing homes, hospitals, schools and restaurants to throw away containers of peanut butter that have been linked to the 43-state salmonella outbreak. The peanut butter, manufactured by Lynchburg-based Peanut Corp. of America and distributed by King Nut Cos. of Solon, Ohio, was recalled by the distributor…

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-13

Nice service for tweeting from a web page http://bigtweet.com/ # Cooking for Pollan! Yikes! http://bit.ly/62X6 The man continues to amaze. Too bad he didn't want the government job. # I'm back to following Dave Winer...again. Interesting. "sphere of consensus...it doesn't matter if they're true or not" http://bit.ly/hfu9 # Clear sky,…

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-12

There is something beautiful about naked tree limbs against a pure crystal blue sky. Take the time to contemplate the view today. It's life. # One of my favorite short life lesson sites...Try this: http://tinyurl.com/5nqbah # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Winter Visitors

When I went walking yesterday with the dogs I sat down for a while on the grass by the bayou. I kicked of the shoes and pulled of the shirt I was wearing and soaked up some sun. Sitting there I heard a heck of a commotion in a tree…

Mid-Week Muse

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you were dazzled? When was the last time you lay down on a block of granite and fell asleep beneath the sky? Our few remaining pockets of unconnected, unwired time—walks, airplane trips, camp-outs, reading a novel on a beach—are dwindling fast. And yet: The Earth…