Currently (on Tue 5:53AM CST from Pearland Regional Airport) Mist Temp: 66° Dewpoint: 66° Wind: S 9 MPH This is what greated me this morning when I woke up. According to the forcast it's going to stay like this all day long and then start heading down overnight. The highs tomorrow…
With the morning sun, my ideal summer weather returned. Winds from the gulf have brought the mid 70s today. Weather on the Texas Gulf Coast. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
I have been spending a lot of my online time updating my websites, trying to figure out a use to make of twitter, and trying (and failing) to catch up on my photoblog. Tied for first place this month has been playing Grandpa. Chief cook and bottle washer for the…
Winters return, though anticipated, is not appreciated. Both yesterday and today, dull and dreary after what seems like weeks of spring sun. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
I watched and listened to this as it was given on Tuesday. It wasn't until today that I actually read it...I find myself even more encouraged than I was with the first hearing. I foresee the American people will be inspired to greatness once again. Maybe, just maybe, our leaders…
From the web... That’s CalTech engineer David Rutledge, who spoke to EarthSky at a recent science meeting. He said governments around the world have overestimated coal reserves or, the amount of coal still available for energy use. David Rutledge: That estimate, at least for these trends, appears to be high,…
In the news... More than 125 products have been recalled in a salmonella-and-peanuts investigation that keeps getting bigger, federal health officials said Wednesday. The list ranges from goodies like cookies and ice cream to energy bars. Even food for pooches may not be entirely safe, with a national company recalling…
Andy Griffin writes a great post from the experience of a farmer. If you haven't visited The Ladybug Letter, you should... “What’s your ‘Plan B’?” a radio reporter asked business school students the other day. One young woman’s answer caught my ear. “If things get bad enough,” she said, “my…
Blue skies keep drawing me away from the monitor. Daytime highs in the 70's keep me out in the sun. Until winter returns, I'll enjoy summer. # Pretty simple, funny how it's so hard...The Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps) # Powered by Twitter Tools.
“This is an excellent illustration of an ingredient-driven outbreak,” said Dr. Robert Tauxe, who oversees foodborne illness investigations for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So far, more than 470 people have gotten sick in 43 states, and at least 90 had to be hospitalized. At least six deaths…
The naked trees to my west glow pink in the light of the rising sun, those to the north have the vividness seen only at either end of a day. # Good site on how you can help save the local farmer and insure your local food supply..."7 Ways to…
Why you should listen to him: Few writers approach their subjects with the rigor, passion and perspective that’s typical of Michael Pollan. Whereas most humans think we are Darwin’s most accomplished species, Pollan convincingly argues that plants — even our own front lawns — have evolved to…
In case a snake ever comes in the office If you want to know the truth, I never sit down at this desk to write a sentence without a bottle of whiskey within my reach. It's always just behind the computer, between a Roget's Thesaurus and an American Heritage Dictionary.…
Sunrise through fog, clear skys above...The sun rises on one side, the moon sinks on the other. We start out in winter and warm into spring. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
"Creative Consultant for the upcoming Stargate: Universe " Way to go Scalzi... # If I could just convince my wife..."Simplify Your Space" # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Wandering down my Google Reader list today led me to Seth Godin's Blog and his muse on Newspapers...Go check it out... I worry about the quality of a democracy when the the state government or the local government can do what it wants without intelligent coverage. I worry about the…
Health officials are urging nursing homes, hospitals, schools and restaurants to throw away containers of peanut butter that have been linked to the 43-state salmonella outbreak. The peanut butter, manufactured by Lynchburg-based Peanut Corp. of America and distributed by King Nut Cos. of Solon, Ohio, was recalled by the distributor…
Nice service for tweeting from a web page # Cooking for Pollan! Yikes! The man continues to amaze. Too bad he didn't want the government job. # I'm back to following Dave Winer...again. Interesting. "sphere of doesn't matter if they're true or not" # Clear sky,…
There is something beautiful about naked tree limbs against a pure crystal blue sky. Take the time to contemplate the view today. It's life. # One of my favorite short life lesson sites...Try this: # Powered by Twitter Tools.
Mark Bittman at TED Why you should listen to him: Although Mark Bittman never formally trained as a chef, his pursuits as a curious and tenacious foodie have made him a casual culinary master. His weekly New York Times food column, The Minimalist, meshes accessible and inexpensive ingredients with "anyone-can"…
The day is over half gone and I haven't really moved. Other than throwing together breakfast and rocking a baby through a nap nothing doing. # Powered by Twitter Tools.
In my daily walks with our dogs I travel a route through the woods behind our house along a pipeline right of way then along Mustang Bayou to anther pipeline right of way and back home.The trip if I wanted to hurry it would not take much over 10 or…
The Power of Less Video from Leo Babauta on Vimeo.
While I was do my house-husband duty folding laundry I started to muse on the condition of some of our towels...You know you've been married a while when you hold up a towel and can see through it. Now granted we own a lot of towels...I know, it a woman…
When I went walking yesterday with the dogs I sat down for a while on the grass by the bayou. I kicked of the shoes and pulled of the shirt I was wearing and soaked up some sun. Sitting there I heard a heck of a commotion in a tree…
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME you were dazzled? When was the last time you lay down on a block of granite and fell asleep beneath the sky? Our few remaining pockets of unconnected, unwired time—walks, airplane trips, camp-outs, reading a novel on a beach—are dwindling fast. And yet: The Earth…
Image via CrunchBase You can't be on Twitter or FriendFeed and not be inundated with comments from and about Scoble. I don't know how he does it, but it's really annoying. I find myself relaxing when he takes a break from Twitter, for example to fly from Europe to the…
Wow, am I relieved to see you. Wasn't sure anyone would find me at my new address (or recognize me from NPR circa 1979). And having come out today as a casuality of the recession and one of the 64 folks laid off from NPR, I frankly wasn't sure how…
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 61° F | 45° F 61° F | 56° F 76° F | 61° F 72° F | 58° F 70° F | 52° F It seems that 2008 is insistent on going out looking more like summer in the mountains than winter...Today has been…