The National Parks: If You Missed It Last Night…

Watch it online now...But do it quick. They will only be online till Oct 9th. Episode 1 Episode One: "The Scripture of Nature" (1851–1890) The astonishing beauty of Yosemite Valley and the geyser wonderland of Yellowstone give birth to the radical idea of creating national parks for the enjoyment of…

Reality Based?

Compare this... "We're winning the argument," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared inside the hotel ballroom. "We know that most Americans are common-sense conservatives and that most of the people running our government in Washington are not. . . . We've been calling their agenda what it is. The…

Dog Days…

Here it is, the first week of September is almost done. The weather has teased us on a number of occasions in the past few weeks...But we are still dry and the temperature passes 90° on an almost daily basis. Even the dogs are still spending most of the day…