Los Angeles, California CNN -- Rick Norsigians hobby of picking through piles of unwanted items at garage sales in search of antiques has paid off for the Fresno, California, painter. Two small boxes he bought 10 years ago for $45 -- negotiated down from $70 -- are now estimated to…
Kodachrome - Paul Simon - Momma Don't Take My Kodachrome Away - Click here for more amazing videos PARSONS — Freelance photojournalist Steve McCurry, whose work has graced the pages of National Geographic, laid 36 slides representing the last frames of Kodachrome film on the light board sitting on a…
Do yourself a favor and watch it in HD. Then go ahead and watch the video on the making of the "Walk". Here is the map. Thanks to Cali Lewis for the link to the video.
Lila Kerr was drawing her own blood and handing it over to a room full of health directors in Yatzaputzan, a village in the Ecuadorian Andes, as they prepared to test out a portable centrifuge created by a team of Rice University undergraduates. The anticipation was high as they pushed…
...Just have someone with your name hit the Today Show. I was checking my email a few minutes ago and I saw I had a couple of comments over at Gary-Boyd.com that had eluded the spam filter. So off I went to see what was said and to make sure…
If it seems like I've vanished from the face of the world here lately, it's mostly because I have. At least the face of this world. I've been spending my time for the last two weeks lost in the world created by Stieg Larsson. It seems I finally made the mistake of…
A couple of weeks ago, I walked along a spring creek in the upper Madison Valley, just south of the town of Ennis, Mont. As my guide, Jeff Laszlo, explained, the creek is one of the unnamed tributaries of the Madison River, fed by innumerable springs along the valley’s rich…
After a couple of days of semi-sunny, completely muggy, stay inside weekend days followed by a clear hot Monday we went straight to more rainy muggy days. Tropical moisture has flowed up over the coast to our south now for days. The puddles from last week hadn't even drained to mud, much less dried,…
Hurricane Alex may have missed us but it's been raining all week. I have discovered that if I plug my computer feed into the plasma in the kitchen where I sit at the table all day working on my sites, that I can keep the Wundermap from the Weather Underground…
The entire (well mostly anyway) reason for our jaunt up the road to the middle of the country wasn't to see the famous Arch. It wasn't to celebrate history. It wasn't even to find a cooler climate, though, that seemed to happen on the one day that mattered. The reason for the trip was to visit the special facility the citizens of St. Louis had built for the simple pleasure of watching the summertime antics of a flock of red birds. Cardinals of the subspecies Americanis baseballus St. Louis.
A cool front was moving through the area as I watched that morning. The day promised to be pleasantly warm and not as uncomfortably hot as it had been all week.
We headed north out of Houston on Tuesday before the sun came up and hit Oklahoma soon after noon. I had routed our trip to take advantage of the Arkansas Mountains...We had reservations at Queen Wilhelmena State Park for the first night of our travels.
The Yard The rains last week had me cruising around on Monday for most of the day. I was flying formation with squadrons of dragonflies as I made my rounds on the Deere...The summer numbers are here at last. There must have been a couple of thousand of the flying…
Thunderstorms and Heat The week started off with thunderstorms rolling through the area...Lights were blinking, internet connectivity was problematic at best but we kept on keeping on. Wednesday's storms missed us and by Thursday we were into the "Heat" part of the week. What I mean by heat is that…
You Are Not Spending The Summer In SE Texas The temperatures for the past week have started each day above the 75° mark on the thermometer. From there they just keep climbing. Yesterday we saw a high reading of 96°. It looks like we can expect even more of the…
At the end of a long weekend of unending fun...I built a gazebo, bar-b-qued for the family, updated the software that runs my genealogy site (which managed to break it until I gave up and reinstalled it all and started all over), and all in all had a really good…
The Weather I climbed out of bed this morning to find the temperature had fallen below 70° for the first time in what seems like weeks... Who would have thought that a spring-like morning at the end of May would be reason to celebrate the day. I grabbed my first cup…
Harris County has a whorehouse for sale. Commissioners Court has on its hands the Velvet Touch, a business that operated on Highway 6 South, and will consider this morning how to dispose of it. The county came into possession of the brothel after Houston police shut it down in April…
As I usually do, I started this Saturday morning reading my email and listening to podcasts...After the daily Writer's Almanac, Saturday brings The Splendid Table. Listening today led me on a web browsing meander I wasn't expecting, but the thing I want to share is this story about wine glasses...Have…
Let's Talk Weather You know it's summer here on the Texas Coast when you step outside before sunup and the humidity settles around your shoulders like a heavy damp cloak. At daybreak the mercury has been hovering in the mid-seventies on the thermometer for most of the past few weeks. That makes…
General Muse Over the past week it has seemed as if I am neglecting the daily muse here at Coffee Muses...What with experimenting with WordPress 3.0 on a couple of test blogs (and posting about what I discover at Gary-Boyd.com). I have been trying to repost three years of photos…
I don't know about you, but I have a few. Some of them I share with my wife. The problem we always have had was trying to comfortably share the laptop screen with each other for the length of the show. And while, I have always know I could use…
One of the most interesting sounds to float in the door on this cool mornings is the call of the Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus). Once you hear the loud raucous laugh of a Pileated you will never mistake it for another bird. It is another of those sounds that calls…
The heat of the day arrived at about the same time I arrived at Brazos Bend State Park just the other side of the Brazos River from us off of FM 1462 and FM 762.
For over 35 years one of the defining events of each year was the opening of the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. During much of that time, OTC was the largest tradeshow we did each year. Pre-production would begin toward the end of each year as initial contacts with clients…
The afternoon temperatures are closing in on the 90's most days here for the last week. A cool afternoon is one that just tops 80. At least the nights are cool...And that means the mornings are really nice. Only in the late afternoon when the sun moves into that area…
Just to give you an idea of the area of the state we were covering here is an image of the page in The Roads of Texas - 5th Edition map book I use to travel our state... So, now that we have visited Friendship and Bryant Station it's time…
This past week my wife expressed a desire to visit the cemeteries where ancestors are resting up around Milam County in central Texas. Since the weekend was one of the few our daughter was off (thus no need for babysitter Paw-paw), I suggested we enjoy the the last of the…
Planning Your Life My morning email brought me this... Gary, here is your schedule for: Thu Apr 22, 2010 All day Thu Apr 22 Retirement Day Gary Boyd I don't remember when I set up this calendar event in my Gmail Calendar...It must have been at least five years ago, it…