Road Trip Photos
We started our day taking the long way into Boone. We drove over Rich Mountain Road. This shot is from the highest point on the road as it passes between Rich Mountain Bald and Snake Mountain. From here it was all downhill. After spending some time on King Street in…
When I stopped to take this shot on the way back up to the cabin yesterday afternoon Sherry wanted to know why I took so many shots of the same scene...I think the result gives the answer. Earlier in the day we were traveling from Blowing Rock to Linville to…
All week long as we made our arrangements to drive to Valle Crucis the forecast coming from Ray was for a chance of snow showers at higher elevations on Saturday night. I had no hopes that the snow would be around when we arrived even if it came down at all...Guess what...Snow it did.…
Once I picked up the first book, I couldn't put it down...Luckily, I bought book two at the same time and when it was read they were releasing the hardback of book three at Amazon. So it was only a two day rest before I could finish the story. I…
If you haven't already...Please, go to the polls and vote. Vote your conscious, vote your beliefs, but, above all vote for the truth...I remember what that is...Do you?
After a long hot summer, you would expect the last week of October to be bringing on the cool...Not so much this year. Record heat is possible the next few days, but a cool down is expected later this week when a weak Pacific front pushes through the Houston region.…
For a couple of weeks now, this scene has caught my eye as I traveled between Alvin and Angleton. The grass heads were a bright pink in the sun. Each time I would want to stop and try to capture an image. Each time I didn't for one reason or…
How I managed to avoid Anderson Fair all these years is beside me. It makes no sense. All of the people I enjoy listening to seemed to grow up into national stars on that stage in that little barn of a building. Yet miss it I did. Now I hold out for…
This shot was taken yesterday in the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge. It shows the subtlety of fall colors on the SE Texas coast. We are finally seeing the goldenrod blooming along with the other yellow fall blooms. The trees themselves, are mostly yellow and green. Sitting at my kitchen table today every…
As I sit checking email with the house open to the nice morning cool I stumbled across this image this morning...via Fall Colors in the Allegheny Mountains : Image of the Day. I was hopeful that the color would be as slow to move southward down the mountains as it proved in 2007.…
When I first saw the subject of this years Blog Action Day I was a little dismayed. What could I, a blogger, say that hadn't been said already by better authors than I. I signed up anyway...I haven't missed a Blog Action Day since the concept was dreamed up. So I…
I love it when I stumble upon a new artist...This one via Suzanne of at home with the farmer's wife who led me to Na-Da Farm Life with Anne Marie. Blown away I was...Take a listen. Zee Avi will be releasing her debut EP, One More Time With Colors, on…
Under pressure from the F.C.C., Verizon Wireless has now admitted that it incorrectly billed 15 million customers between $2 and $6, on average, for data services they didn’t use. Apparently, Verizon’s phones are built in such a way that it is easy for customers to accidentally press the button that…
I have really been enjoying the cool mornings this week. The weather prognosticators are promising more of the same for the next week...We even hit a low of 59° yesterday morning just as the sun came up...Nice. It has been great sitting out with my first cup as the sun comes up each day.…
The weather prognosticators made the promise last week...The weather station above the microwave this morning gave truth to their predictions with a reading of 66°. The air on the front porch gave promise of better days coming soon. Even before the sunbeams found the highest branches, the cool north breeze danced lightly through…
I just stumbled across this from Lyle's Facebook page...I have to say, the quality of the recordings are mind blowing...If you like Lyle's music, you'll love these...Have a listen. Pantry Natural Forces The Interview
Sitting out on the porch with my morning coffee was a change of pace today. All of the rain we have been having makes it look and feel like spring not fall. It must have already rained a bit this morning because the trees are still dripping. The sun coming…
Fall Is In The Air This morning lightened on a world where the temperature had fallen below 70° for the first time in months and months. It wont last, this preview of fall...But, oh how nice it is. Unfortunately, the rains from last week have finally hatched up a swarm of mosquitoes. Therefore,…
Sitting out on the front porch these past two weeks I've begun to notice the look of fall every morning. Sadly, so far at least, it's just a look...Not a feel. And truthfully, the look lasts all day...Most days anyway. I'm sure you've noticed it yourself. It's that hazy, near…
Sometimes it seems like summer will never end here along the Texas coast. Yesterday afternoon the temperature was pushing 97° according to the weather station on the mantle. I checked with the WunderGround and the heat index was almost at 110°. For the last few weeks I have been spending the early…
I have found myself swamped with a lack of umph these past few weeks. The heat and humidity of a SE Texas August has me spending all of my time just trying to stay cool... I have been stuck in a procrastinating mode for days and days and days. I watch the…
Every time one of us would walk outside today we would come back in and moan about how hot it is outside...Little did we realize. We did a run to wally-mart earlier today and the thermometer in the Subaru said the parking lot was registering 104° as we left at…
Every time I hear this lady sing I wonder where I was all her life...Have a listen. I am...Again
This hour, with Bill McKibben, we seek perspective, both factual and moral, on human responsibility in a changing natural world. McKibben wrote The End of Nature, the first book on climate change for a general readership, in 1989. "Only in the disappearance of nature as we have known it," he…
Down here on the Texas Gulf Coast summer this year has been stranger than most we've seen lately. Most years, at lest here lately, by early August the predominate color around these parts has gone from green to browns. Usually as the heat of summer sears everything into dormancy the…
I caught Leon Hales latest in my feed reader last week and thought he had a lot of good points. After spending a quarter of a century posting columns from the porch of his place in Winedale, Leon Hale has come to some conclusions about the joys of a second home…
After finally seeing a lessening of the attacks by the marauding blood suckers the weather has decided to return to the unstable side of the summer pattern. Thunderstorms crossing the landscape like huge sailing ships of old. At times you might think you were watching Titanic battles playing out in…