My Morning Muse

Spring Sitting here with my first cup of coffee, looking out my office window, my morning muse turns to the predominance of spring green. Even the scar left with the demolition of the old house is showing mostly green. It's weeds of course, but, from here with a good mowing just two…

Happy Texas Independence Day

Why we celebrate Texas Independence Day I grew up here in Texas. I have never thought much about the why's of Texas Independence Day. I was surrounded by the Texas myth from birth. Some of my ancestors were here at the time of the Declaration signing. Many others arrived with-in a decade of the event…

Winter Solstice

I was wandering through the kitchen just a bit ago and glanced out the back windows. There in the yard I saw my first flock of Robins of this winter season...On the very first day of winter. Growing up I was always confused by all of the references to Robins and spring.…

Coffee Geekiness

I am always amazed when I stumble across a Coffee Geek. It makes my muses seem pretty pedestrian. I've been geeking out over coffee since yesterday, which is fun. The coolest thing I've been finding out about is vacuum-brewing or siphon- (also spelled "syphon-") brewing. There are a lot of…

Weather For The Soul

When I ordered some seedling trees from Pennsylvania the week of Thanksgiving, I was holding out as late as possible to have them shipped dormant to our SE Texas version of fall. What I didn't expect was for the nursery to ship Pennsylvania fall weather along with the trees. The…

A Town I Never Expected To Hear In The National News

OSAWATOMIE, Kan. — President Obama came to this tiny middle American town Tuesday to invoke the spirit of a long-ago Republican president in a speech that laid out, in his sharpest language yet, the economic and social arguments he will probably use against Republicans in 2012.(1) Osawatomie, Kansas...It's a small…