Summer Is Here

Yesterday about mid-morning, I was sitting in the rocker on the back porch with a cup of coffee. The temperature had already passed the mid-eighties. The ceiling fans on the porch were the only thing making it doable. Later in the day, as Sherry was driving in from work, I looked over…

Tall Grass Prairies

I never realized how much of my life I've spent on the Gulf Coastal Prairie...I found this video on line as I was looking for information on native plants. The original link fell by the wayside over the years so here are few new links ...

Happy May Day

I wandered over to the to check the extended forecast for this first week in May and here is what I saw: Thursday Mostly cloudy in the morning, then partly cloudy. High of 84F with a heat index of 91F. Winds from the SE at 5 to 10 mph.…

Inspiration In A Song

Video No Longer Available As individuals creating something we are limited by time, talent, energy and (sometimes) money. When we act collectively though, magic happens. via Building more than a house | OdeWire. For some real inspiration, follow the link above...The story is almost as inspiring as the song.

The Trouble With Spring

It's beautiful outside. It has been beautiful for a week or more. My thoughts keep turning to digging in the dirt... Planting things that are beautiful, things that taste good, things that attract birds and butterflies. This is my way of saying I'll be missing more than I'm here on the web for…

A Coffeemaker Muse

There is a great dividing year in the history of coffee in America, and it is 1972. Before it, the percolator. After, automatic drip. via Here’s to Mr. Coffee, Known to Some as Sam - One of the co-inventors of the home drip coffeemaker died this month at the…

The World Out My Window

The world out my window this week has been rather busy. The hummingbirds are visiting the feeder off the front porch. That means it's time to pull the rest out of storage and spot them around the place. All of our trees are at some stage in their re-leafing. The Pecans and the…

It’s Another Monday Morning Muse

Today' Weather81 °FT-storms 20% chance of precipitation So, we sprang forward again yesterday. And here we are with what much of the country would consider  a summertime forecast. It's already 62° out and the sun isn't up yet. Not that that is an unusually high temperature to be starting the day,…

My Morning Muse

Spring Sitting here with my first cup of coffee, looking out my office window, my morning muse turns to the predominance of spring green. Even the scar left with the demolition of the old house is showing mostly green. It's weeds of course, but, from here with a good mowing just two…

Happy Texas Independence Day

Why we celebrate Texas Independence Day I grew up here in Texas. I have never thought much about the why's of Texas Independence Day. I was surrounded by the Texas myth from birth. Some of my ancestors were here at the time of the Declaration signing. Many others arrived with-in a decade of the event…