When I read the following article (alright, I didn't really read it...more like I skimmed it quickly), I thought it a bit amusing that none of the shows listed have ever been seen by me. Not one. More than half I haven't even heard of. Now is the winter of our (TV)…
You tell me... November 2012 was the globe's 5th warmest November on record, said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) on Monday. NASA rated November 2012 the 2nd warmest November on record. Global temperature records begin in 1880. November 2012 global land temperatures were the 6th…
Today at her blog write to done, Mary Jaksch has a conversation with Seth Godin... As you may know, I follow Seth and have for years. I think I discovered him through the early years of Fast Company...However I came across him though, I am glad I did. He has…
Souls ain't born, souls don't die Soul ain't made of earth, ain't made of water, ain't made of sky So, ride the flaming circle, wind the golden reel And roll on brother, in the wheel inside the wheel via The Story Behind "Wheel Inside The Wheel" By Mary Gauthier. Have…
Reading my email today, I received a notice from YouTube about this video posted by UNC-TV. Since it covers two of my passions, North Carolina and coffee, I thought I would post it here. I know from past videos that this kind of "barista art"is becoming quite common. But, as I don't frequent…
I just got this in an email from James Taylor... I though I would pass it on. http://www.youtube.com/embed/hx7z_vKMdCo
https://youtu.be/GZfj2Ir3GgQ Thank-you NPR. Kacey Musgraves - Merry Go 'Round is one great song. I heard this on the All Songs Considered Podcast I downloaded this morning...Damn, this girl can write...And sing. I will be following what should be a big musical career. Just Saying...Give it a listen. Later: Of course, my…
I was reading through my emails and Google Reader feeds today when I came across Jim Casada's December Newsletter. As I was reading his list of childhood Christmas Memories I found myself nodding on more than one occasion as my own memories mached up with Jim's. Here are a few…
Every news story about the coming "fiscal cliff" talks about what the "real" problem is. The consensus being, that American companies aren't making decisions on employment or investment because they don't know what is going to happen... They are putting off decisions until they see what Congress will do. The truth isn't quite that straight forward...I caught…
Oneness is not agreement. Like minds like to sleep at different room temperatures and take different approaches to entering meditation. What are the things we all need to agree to? What are the things we can be free to do differently? It’s important to agree about what we can disagree…
It's starting to feel like my time of the year. The trees are still mostly dressed in their summer finest, though with the wind gusts today, they won't be for long. So far this fall, we have only seen color on the Chinese tallow trees. I am holding out hope for the…
The advocacy infrastructure being developed by both sides in the post-Citizens United world will, over time, favor the most plausible side, which conservatives know is theirs. via George Will: Republicans must start over again - The Washington Post. The final sentence of his column says everything about what went wrong…
I went to a seed collecting day at the Nash Prairie Preserve in Brazoria County last Friday. While I will be writing a post about the trip shortly, I have spent today updating my Nash Prairie Gallery at Mountain Dreams Photography. Here is a slideshow of the images I have…
If you haven't voted early... If you haven't voted absentee... You really need to take yourself to your polling place tomorrow and Vote. While I would prefer you to cast your vote for the President, even if you support Romney, you really need to vote anyway. As I've said before (and…
It shouldn't surprise anyone that knows me... But. I took myself down to the polls on Saturday and cast my ballot for America. And contrary to the signs I have been seeing scattered around the county, I cast my vote for the version of America that I think is embodied in the Obama presidency.…
I've been reading Jason Kottke's blog for as long as I can remember. Sometimes his posts resonate, sometimes I just skim on by. His post about John Lennon's Poster resonated. Peter Dean is a big Beatles fan. And so he set out to reproduce exactly -- from photographic evidence only --…
Every day I look around in disbelief, remembering how surprised I was when spring began. I’m still busy being surprised by spring. I’ll be ready for fall by February, always behind the season and pretty certain I’ll never catch up. via Falling Behind the Season - Verlyn Klinkenborg. I always…
Hummingbird Update It seems the cold front that blew through this past weekend was the signal most of the hummingbirds in the backyard were waiting for to head on south. Since Sunday I have only seen the few birds that were here all summer. I won't complain, but it was…
Wednesday’s presidential debate promises sharp contrasts. One candidate wants to repeal Obamacare, one candidate invented it. One opposed the auto industry bailout, one takes credit for it. One doubts the scientific consensus about climate change, one believes in it. One wants to “voucherize” Medicare, one wants to save it. One…
I was playing a bit this morning...And learning Adobe Premier Elements at the same time...
On Tuesday morning as I was running through my emails and feeds I lost connectivity with the internets...Not the way I wanted to start a day. After going to the equipment cabinet in the bedroom closet and trying the unplug all, replug all, hit reset, try three times...I called AT&T.…
The hummingbirds continue to entertain us each day. We have never had the numbers we are seeing this year. Here are a few shots I took last week at one of the back feeder's
This morning is a new experience for me. I brought the old laptop out on the back porch to start uninstalling old software...While working on that I was able to read email, listen to public radio, watch the hummingbirds fight over the feeders, and now...Write on this blog. This could…
A few weeks back my five-year old laptop began to show signs that it wouldn't be with us much longer. The images on the screen would develop a flicker... Then the lower third of the screen would lighten until it was impossible to see. A good whack would straighten it out, but I could…
I just saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour pass over my house on it's way toward Houston. I didn't even know it was going to be passing through the area. Wish I would have had my camera out as it passed by...There won't be another chance to see one in the air....
Just in case you didn't know...I lean progressive on the political scales. I try not to let my political rants take over this blog these days. I did that in the George W. Bush years and it was a pain. So pardon the following politcal rant ... I am a…
When I pulled up my blog this afternoon I opened the stats tab just to see what's up. I don't do it all that often, but, when I do it always strikes me as funny what shows up as the top post... It's always the same. Every time it's my post from…
The past week at the bird feeders (nectar feeders for hummingbirds) have been a load of fun. It seems the number of Ruby Throats has gone up exponentially. The battles being fought to control the feeding rights are unending. We have three feeders set up right now and the traffic is continuous from sunup till sundown.…
Watching President Clinton's speech last night, I was as impressed as I always am when President Clinton starts to explain the Democratic point of view. Every time someone would say about President Bush that he was someone they would like to have a beer with, I would remember listening to…