June 5 Muse – 2015

Friday morning coffee... A person could easily get spoiled by these cool morning temperatures. A bit of haze in the air, dew on the grass, a almost full moon hanging high in the shy... birds singing on all sides... I couldn't ask for a better way to start a day.…

June 4 Muse – 2015

Thursday morning coffee...It's another cool morning here on the back porch. The humidity is back... which is paradoxical because it not only makes the afternoons feel hotter, it also makes these cool mornings feel cooler... but, then again... it could just be the ceiling fans. This morning started off with…

June 3 Muse – 2015

Wednesday morning coffee... caught the sun rise this morning. I got out early to try for a bit more quiet before work started next door. Shot this video first thing and managed to catch the moment the light hit the trees. From the silence on the video it seems there…

June 2 Muse – 2015

Tuesday morning coffee... it's another cooler than normal day for June. The birds were in fine form right up until they were overshadowed by the sounds coming from the construction site 500 ft away. 7:30 came way too early for my taste, I was still enjoying my back porch time.…

Texas Barbeque

https://youtu.be/lnRRDSYgdmw Aaron Franklin has become my goto person when it comes to improving my smoking of big chunks of meat... It was probably his use of a small backyard smoker in his video series that convince me to replace my old rusted out charbroiler with a Old Country. So far,…

June 1 Muse – 2015

Monday morning coffee and the day is cool and bright. The sky from the back porch is blue from horizon to horizon without a single blemish. Our resident hawk passes over low, scoping out the possibilities for breakfast, while silencing the ever present bird chorus for the moment. I hear…

May 31 Muse – 2015

Sunday morning coffee is always so peaceful on the back porch. No traffic sounds from the bypass up the road. Just the birds (and this year... the frogs in the woods out back) singing their borders for all to hear. The cool front keeps trying to push through... that gets…

A Bit of History Found

Yesterday, while trolling through the many folders on my hard-drive, I stumbled across the xml WordPress export file that I used back in 2013 to move Coffee Muses to a new host... So thanks to that, I am only missing the few posts I put up in the past two…

May 30 Muse – 2015

Saturday morning coffee... there is a crew working just over the the city limit line (about 500' away). They have been at it since a bit after seven. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't for the OSHA mandated backup alarm on their forklift... When you are listening to…

A Little History

I guess since this is a rebuild of the original, I suppose I should explain the name of this site. Way back in May of 2006 I started a blog I called North Carolina Mountain Dreams at WordPress.com. Over the course of that first year I noticed a lot of…

May 29 Muse – 2015

Friday morning coffee is cool and damp with a bit of un-forecasted rain moving through. At least, the weather underground was not expecting it. Rolling waves of thunder got me out of bed. And watching the clouds roll by to their bass rumble was not a totally unpleasant way to…

May 28 Muse – 2015

Thursday morning coffee and the sun is out, the humidity is ridiculous, and there is a faint odor of rotting vegetation in the air. Green lizards scamper across the porch at my feet. Bluebirds flutter down in front of me, stealing bugs from the lizards, while cardinals sing from multiple…

Hello world!

Again... A funny thing happened on the (almost) eighth anniversary of this site/blog... I managed to accidently delete my database. So basically everything I had posted here... kind of like, went away. And since I had been ignoring this place anyway... And all of the links in my old posts…

The Health Of America Starts On The Farm

  Mark Bittman makes the point in his column at the New York Times today, that the biggest killer of Americans isn't guns but industrial agriculture. A point I have made repeatedly with my family over the years. ...the root of that dangerous diet is our system of hyper-industrial agriculture,…