Cool and Wet Morning Coffee Muses.
Another Muggy Morning Coffee Muses
Warm and muggy Coffee Muses.
Warm and Sunny Coffee Muses.
Just testing the automatic sharing settings to see if I fixed a problem only I noticed.
Another warm and gloomy Coffee Muses. A mourning dove has decided to join the morning chorus. The disc of the sun is sometimes visible, sometimes not, through the rising clouds that were once heavy fog. There's a blue jay announcing itself in my woods. A blue jay's call doesn't match…
Foggy morning Coffee Muses... It's loud out this morning. Birds are singing all over the place. And the fog seems to act as an amplifier. Somewhere, way off, I hear what sounds like a cuckoo...There's a slight breeze blowing cool, damp air out of the south, making it feel much…
Friday the thirteenth coffee muses... It's warm, humid, overcast again... Just about a perfect summer's morning except it's winter. As I sit here listening to the birds... and cows... and dogs... I can hear the sound of a train horn in the distance. All of those sounds can be heard…
It's already above 70 here on the back porch. The sky is crystal clear and the sun is warming. The prognosticators are talking about how we could break a record high for today and tomorrow. I sometimes wonder what it's like to actually have winter again like it was when…
The sky is mostly clear... At least for now. It's a bit cool too. Not so cool as to require more than shorts and a t-shirt while I wait for the sun to clear the horizon. I watched President Obama give his farewell address last night right after I saw…
The temperature on the back porch is pushing 70 degrees this morning. There's a wind advisory until early afternoon. Wind out of the south will be blowing a weather system north into the plains. I plan to take advantage of this warm weather to run the Deere around the yard…
This morning we are back in that gloomy weather groove to start the week. Though, I must admit, the mid 50's feel much more comfortable than the mid 20's of a day ago. Who am I kidding, it feels better than the 40 degrees it was at sundown last evening.…
Frosty cold this morning. Two nights in a row the temperature has fallen into the mid-twenties. The temperature on the other porch is still 29 degrees. It's a funny thing though, the thermometer on the post to my left is already reading 40 degrees. Microclimates... aren't they fun? It's what…
It's so cold this morning it froze the internet. You have no idea what it's like to have a couple of grandkids who are used to on demand television sitting around with no internet connection... No Netflix... No Hulu... No PBS Kids. And, since we replaced the living room television,…
When it's colder outside than it is in your refrigerator... All day long.
Brrrrr... Were the prognosticators ever wrong, it's already in the upper 30's out here. And, did I mention the wind? This weekend is gonna be screaming fireplace, and my woodpile is a little low. So, it looks like winter and it even feels like winter. So why are they still…
The Devil's in the forecast...
Another overcast day to start the new year. It's so quiet today that traffic sounds from far away are prominent. Even the birds are subdued. Well they were, right up until I wrote about it. The prognosticators are calling for a high today of about 66. Then the temperature will…
Do you see what's wrong in the screen capture above? Today's projected high of 56° is forecast to be "much warmer" than yesterday's 81°. I do not know what has happened at the Weather Underground since they were bought by the Weather Channel, but it hasn't been pretty. Could ownership…
High clouds, hazy sun, light breeze, cool temperature, a motorcycles roar breaks the morning quiet. Slowly the sound of the many birds comes back only to be broken by the air horn of the passing train. Steel wheels on steel rails make a subtle roar in counterpoint to the rubber…
Sitting in my easy chair, I looked up and noticed a bit of color outside..
There's a fine line the winter temperature must walk for this porch to be comfortable with the sun shining brightly. Today's temperature is flirting with the upper limits of that line. The temperature on the other side of the house is just now moving into the sixties, but here on…
So far, 2017 has started off warm and humid. That's about to change tomorrow. It's windy this morning and I'm seeing, and hearing, more of the winter birds around the area you see in the photo. Today will also be the last full day of a full house. My wife…
Warning Political Rant Follows Is it the weather or the political outlook that has me so down in the dumps on this New Year's morning? As we begin this the question isn't will DJT be bad for my country... It's how bad will he be. When Obama took office, Republicans…
2016 comes to an end just as dreary looking as much of the year has felt. For the record, it's already in the mid 60's this morning and heading north of 70 by afternoon. Ditto for the first day of 2017 tomorrow. There's a lite, misty rain falling... so lite,…
It's still out here this morning. And the low 50's on the thermometer feels nice. As 2016 comes to an end I find myself wondering how much more craziness this old world can dish out at us... I suppose we will find out soon enough. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.…
Testing the latest iteration of the WordPress app on my Kindle. The last time I installed it, it kept not playing nice with the memory card. But, I miss being able to post from the Kindle. The photo is of the keyboard I received for Christmas. I keep wearing out…
I seldom find myself rising with the sun... At least not since the fall of 2008. And so, I don't see all that many sunrises. Be that as it may, this shot from just around the corner from my house, is still one of my favorites... Alvin Sunrise
Our first cool snap is here. The temperature is 66º right now and I'm loving it. And, as the picture shows, there is a bit of ground fog coming off the bayou this morning. That's a common fall morning feature... Judging by the quietness of the past two mornings, more…
Yesterday was overcast and rainy all day. The low for the day came right at noon. That low was bracketed by higher temps, the morning hit 84, the afternoon topped out at 88. Way too high for good fall weather. My definition of fall is overnight lows in the mid…