When the residents of sleepy, rural McMullen County, Texas, found out that they officially lived in the richest county in America, "we were shocked," recalls Kimberly Kay Kreider-Dusek, the only lawyer in the area. She serves as the county attorney, prosecuting misdemeanors and advising county commissioners on legal matters.McMullen County,…
A Late Spring Tease Of A Cool Morning Coffee Muses
Lightly Raining, Slightly Cooler Morning Coffee Muses
Ditto Ditto It's Really Summer Morning Coffee Muses
Just Another Hot Humid Texas Coastal Morning Coffee Muses
Just Another Hot And Humid Spring Morning Coffee Muses
Hot and Muggy Morning Coffee Muses
Warmer With Clouds Coming In Off The Gulf Morning Coffee Muses
Caught Between Spring And Summer Morning Coffee Muses
Almost Cool, Almost Humid Monday Morning Coffee Muses
A Cool Dewy Sunday Morning Coffee Muses
The Cool Spring Mornings Are Coming Further Apart Coffee Muses
Muggy, Muggy, Did i Say Muggy Morning Coffee Muses
Overcast And Humid Morning Coffee Muses
It's A Mockingbird Wednesday Morning Coffee Muses
It's Not Warm, But It's Not Cool Either Morning Coffee Muses
I mentioned I've been seeing a couple of Mississippi Kites for the past few days. This afternoon there are four sitting on the bare branches I can see from my porch. Even my long lens on the good camera are useless at this distance. If you look straight up…
Thickly overcast but cool morning coffee muses
The Cool Springlike Morning Coffee Muses Continue
Cool, Early, Before Sunrise Morning Coffee Muses
Chilling after mowing the yard. Traffic sounds from the evening rush in the background. Birdsong in the fore.
Cool, Really Cool May Springtime Morning Coffee Muses
Well, they did it... Now I start dealing with my Republican Senators. As far I'm concerned my Repugnant Representative will have one very pissed of old hippy doing everything I can to see that he has to go back to fixing air conditioners.
Another Rare Beautifully Cool Spring Morning Coffee Muses
Not Too Warm But Very Muggy Morning Coffee Muses
Warmer, Not Quite Muggy Not Quite Unmuggy Morning Coffee Muses
Beautiful Springlike Start To May Morning Coffee Muses
Making way for May... April's on the way into the history books.
Cool And Cloudy Last Morning In April Coffee Muses
Another Muggy, Overcast, Warm, Windy Morning Coffee Muses