Home Safe And Sound To A Hot Humid Morning Coffee Muses
Motel Room Morning Coffee Muses Trussville, Alabama. It's just a Quality Inn back off the interstate. Old style motel, well maintained rooms, restaurants within walking distance... even for me. We've stayed here before. It's only a place to lay your head between two long days on the road. If I've…
Our last morning on the mountain, getting ready to head home...
Just Another Rainy Mountaintop Morning Coffee Muses
Rain on the mountain... I woke up this morning with my head in the clouds. The background soundtrack of the day is water dripping all around. Is it raining? I don't think so, but it could be... It's more like the water in the clouds is coating the leaves and…
Thursday morning on the mountain Another late morning start to my coffee muses... The Day is starting out the warmest we've felt yet. 60° right now but breezy still from last night. Mt Airy was warm, over eighty, but not too bad. It was a nice little town, we had…
Slept In On The Mountain Morning Coffee Muses Late nights and mountain air conspired to keep me in bed till well after sunrise this morning. The morning temperatures aren't quite as cool and the forecast is for a bit warmer today. The forecasted high is 72°... yesterday's high was 65°.…
Mountain Sunrise Morning Coffee Muses Boy the sun rises early here. It's a chilly start to the morning here on Tom's Knob. It's 51 and change to start the day. There's a hound baying up the road. Unknown birds singing to the daybreak. Now there's another dog answering the hound.…
First Mountain Morning Coffee Muses A beam of sunlight streaming thru a hole in the blinds woke me this morning. I stumbled to the kitchen and started the coffee maker before wandering outside with my camera. The above is the sight that greater me. And the big image at the…
This isn't a coffee muses... I'm having water after unloading the car. More Photos Here And... enjoying that view. Later, I'll be enjoying that hot tub as the evening temperature drops thru the fifties before settling into the forties... catch you all tomorrow...
The Day After Cindy Morning Coffee Muses
Damp And Dreary Tropical Storm Cindy Morning Coffee Muses
Unexpectedly Cool Dry Summer's Morning Coffee Muses With Tropical Storm Cindy On The Eastern Horizon
Just Another Muggy Hot Almost Summer Morning Coffee Muses
A Steamy Monday Morning Coffee Muses
It's A Hot Sticky Mess Of A Morning Coffee Muses
Just A Not So Warm June Saturday Morning Coffee Muses
Surprisingly Cooler But Still Sticky Morning Coffee Muses
It's Overcast, It's Hot, It's Steamy, It's Another Summer Coffee Muses
Just Another Hot Muggy Morning Coffee Muses
Hot, Humid, Miserable Early Summer Morning Coffee Muses
The Start Of A Long Hot Summer Of Morning Coffee Muses
A Not So Beautifully Cool Morning Coffee Muses And the heat is on... to borrow a song title. The beautifully cool mornings we've been blessed with are over. It's already 80° heading for a Prognosticator's foretelling of 89... but, then again, that was the foretelling for the past three days…
Just Another Beautifully Cool Summer's Morning Coffee Muses.
Another Gorgeous Low Humidity Morning Coffee Muses
A Cool Feeling Summer's Morning Coffee Muses
Just Another Hot, Humid, Sweaty, Cicada Filled Summer's Morning Coffee Muses
Hot Humid Sweaty Summer Morning Coffee Muses
Wet With More Rain On The Eastern Horizon Morning Coffee Muses
Warmish Wet Thunderous Morning Coffee Muses