Sunday With Neighbors Morning Coffee Muses
A Lower Humidity Higher Temperature Morning Coffee Muses
The Humidity Has Returned On This Early Morning Coffee Muses
Blue Skies And Warm Morning Coffee Muses
It's Warm, No It's Hot, But Not So Humid Morning Coffee Muses.
A Very Wet, Cool Morning Coffee Muses
It's Another Hot, Humid, August Morning Coffee Muses...
Once Again There Is Weather Moving Over Galveston Bay For My Morning Coffee Muses
Blue Sky To The Right, Thunderstorms To The Left, Morning Coffee Muses
A Not Miserable, End Of The Week, Morning Coffee Muses
An Unexpected, Unusually Cool Morning Coffee Muses
Maximum Humidity, Rain By Noon, Morning Coffee Muses
The Humidity Has Returned On This First Of August Morning Coffee Muses
Last July 2017 Morning Coffee Muses
Mostly Overcast with Rain to the East and North Morning Coffee Muses
Just Another July Weekend Morning Coffee Muses
It's an end of the week, end of the month Morning Coffee Muses. Today is warmer, more humid than yesterday. Almost to the point of making me rethink my outdoor muse. It makes the mind wander back to the days of my youth when we had no way to escape…
After the oppressive humidity Morning Coffee Muses
Already Hot and Humid Midweek Morning Coffee Muses
Humidity and overcast skies for this Morning Coffee Muses
A warm, slightly breezy, start of the week Morning Coffee Muses.
So here is a selection of pictures from the fifth day on the mountains... Check out the post of that day Thursday morning on the mountain - Thursday, June 29. Today's images are taken as we meandered our way down off the mountain and along the River Road into Valle Crucis…
Quiet and still, warm and humid, Sunday Morning Coffee Muses
So here is a selection of pictures from the fourth day on the mountains... Check out the post of that day Slept In On The Mountain Morning Coffee Muses - Wednesday, June 28. We drove north on the Parkway almost to the Virginia line... Stopping at the Brinegar Cabin (to take pictures…
Hot, Humid, Rain on the Horizon, Morning Coffee Muses As the images show, I failed at even starting my Deere meditations yesterday. At the time the heat was just oppressive and there wasn't any cloud cover to provide any breaks. As you can see, we've had our first monarch of…
So here is a selection of pictures from the third day on the mountains... Check out the post of that day Mountain Sunrise Morning Coffee Muses - Tuesday, June 27
It was hot to the point of sweat running down on the front porch this morning. It was also loud, the sounds from the bypass sounding much closer than their quarter mile distance. So, since I'm running so behind have some photos... More later.... Gotta go do Deere meditations.
So here is a selection of pictures from the second day on the mountains... Check out the post of that day First Mountain Morning Coffee Muses - Monday, June 26
The heat and humidity are back in force, along with the cicadas... It's Morning Coffee Muses Other than that it's quiet on the back porch this morning. The tablet seems to be working, though formatting the memory card wiped out most of the camera archives and all of the music…
Yeah, I know. I procrastinate way to much. But I finally pulled the photo's off the camera memory card. Here's the shots from the day we arrived... Sunday, June 25 I'll post another set tomorrow.