The Humidity Is Up Today So It Feels Warmer For My Morning Coffee Muses
I was checking the forecast for the next ten days and this is what I found on the Weather Underground. I think they are foretelling a lot of rain in my future. The wind directions look interesting also... Must be some of the weather my brother-in-law, Nigel, keeps talking about…
Another Almost Cool, A Bit More Humid, Mostly Clear Morning Coffee Muses
An Early Cool Morning Coffee Muses
Just A Tad Cooler Morning Coffee Muses
It's A Warm, Not Too Muggy, Morning Coffee Muses
Most Americans won’t see this year’s total solar eclipse, the first in the Lower 48 states since 1979.But a partial eclipse will be visible in every state on Aug. 21. Just don’t look directly at it without eye protection specifically designed to do so. Be sure and check the weather,…
An Early Start For Me And The Builders Next Door Morning Coffee Muses
A Subaru Morning Coffee Muses It's time for the 12000 mile checkup on my Forrester. So I find myself spending the morning sitting in the service waiting area. So I'll keep this short. No rants, no sermons, no mention of him. Have a great day all.
One of the things that came about because of the death of my old computer is I reinstalled Google Earth. When I initially opened the program I zoomed in to my home. Boy was I blown away. They have done wondrous things with their 3D generators... I mean look at…
There Is A House Growing Next Door Morning Coffee Muses
The Humidity Is Back With A Vengeance Morning Coffee Muses
Somehow my permalink structure ended up with some strange single quote marks buried in the structure... Hopefully Fixed...
A Much Drier, Less Humid Start To A Week Morning Coffee Muses
Sunday With Neighbors Morning Coffee Muses
A Lower Humidity Higher Temperature Morning Coffee Muses
The Humidity Has Returned On This Early Morning Coffee Muses
Blue Skies And Warm Morning Coffee Muses
It's Warm, No It's Hot, But Not So Humid Morning Coffee Muses.
A Very Wet, Cool Morning Coffee Muses
It's Another Hot, Humid, August Morning Coffee Muses...
Once Again There Is Weather Moving Over Galveston Bay For My Morning Coffee Muses
Blue Sky To The Right, Thunderstorms To The Left, Morning Coffee Muses
A Not Miserable, End Of The Week, Morning Coffee Muses
An Unexpected, Unusually Cool Morning Coffee Muses
Maximum Humidity, Rain By Noon, Morning Coffee Muses
The Humidity Has Returned On This First Of August Morning Coffee Muses
Last July 2017 Morning Coffee Muses
Mostly Overcast with Rain to the East and North Morning Coffee Muses
Just Another July Weekend Morning Coffee Muses