Finally... Fall...
And it actually feels like autumn!
18 October 2024
The view from my chair...
Texas Monthly Today Pretty much matches National Politics. Indicted and convicted politicians suing anyone they disagree with. Oh... And happy birthday cuz...
Even though September is here, Summer's hold on this part of the country is still tight?
I saw on the internets last night that temperature is in the Northeast 40s in places. That was on a day when my back porch temperature at 101°. First time that I've noticed this year... And stepping out on the front porch this morning, the heat was oppressive. Even the…
And the fan on the floor is all that makes the morning even a little bit cool.
The crews lined out street for most of the day. Then this happened... So for the past two hours we've been looking at this... Maybe we'll get power... Eventually...
A very interesting morning. Our power has been out all day. I really don't expect to see power for at least a day or two if not more. And my yard looks like it has been bombed. There's more tree damage than we had during Ike. But, we survived and…
Mimosa blossoms Chaste tree blooms almost open With temperatures rising above 80° each day, the start of summer is definitely here.
According to the weather prognosticators, most of today will look just like it does right now. Though, our run of 70° temperatures has pretty much come to an end for a while... And those overnight lows in the 50's.. we probably won't see another one of those before fall rolls…
It could be just me.. but I think not.... It sure seems like there have been more overcast days than sunny days this year. Particularly, this spring. Though I have to admit, that's starting the day in the 50's and ending the day at or about 70° is an uncommonly…
At 6:30 a.m. The air is a crispy 50°. It's noisy out.. the constant hum of rubber on blacktop from the bypass, the birds song in the trees, even the roar of train Wheels on railroad tracks.... Such of the sounds of pre-dawn here at my home.... Later... On the…
I'm standing out on the front porch this morning. Waiting for my grandson to get on the school bus... And I'm struck by how beautiful a spring morning it is. Even though the sun is not up, the birds are singing as if their lives depended upon it. There is…
Wordless Wednesday
Two shots, taken an hour apart, from the same location. It's a pleasant spring morning with a temperature in the mid-50s. But judging from the forecast, summer is just around the corner. Here we are , not even a week into April, and the forecasted high today is 86°. Eighty…
In the time it took to go from one bus to the next, the outdoor temperature has dropped just enough to go from warmish to coolish. Now if we could just get rid of the pesky mosquitoes...
Yesterday morning my brother passed away. He fought a short battle with cancer before passing away at his home surrounded by family and friends. When Charles Dean Boyd was born on July 9, 1957, in Houston, Texas, his father, Horace, was 35 and his mother, Iris, was 23. He married…
After the kids got on the bus this morning, it decided to really start raining... As you can see from the standing water, it has been raining pretty hard for a good while now. Looking out at the rain gauge I can't even tell how many inches we've already had...
Wordless Wednesday
The trip out onto the front porch first thing this morning was really chilly... It was 45° outside. The photo above is taken from the back porch just before the second bus run... 2 weeks ago. This would have been what it looked like at the first bus run. A…
After springing forward last week, the sun isn't coming up until the 2nd bus. So, it now seems as though the alarm is going off in the middle of the night... It's just a bit chill this morning on the front porch. The morning low is hanging at 62°. The…
Every once in awhile you hear a song that stops you in your tracks. This song does it every time I hear it... every damn time! I'm not sure when Rodney Crowell first entered my awareness. I mean he has been bouncing around in there for decades... Hell he's been…