Tuesday February 28th There was a bit of fog this morning, though it's cleared already. And it's a bit cooler today, 67°... But the humidity is up. The spring weeds are popping up all over the yard. Even though the grass was mowed a week ago there are mounds of…
Monday February 27th Today on the back porch it starts out at 72°. There's a bit more color to the east than the last week has brought. There's even more color on the ground... Green is taking over. I think this will go down in the memory books as the…
Sunday February 26th It's another overcast morning in the backyard. For some reason, even with the temperature at 71°, it feels cooler out this morning. I really don't understand it... The humidity is at 90%. But I guess I will be happy for small favors. The day is mostly going…
Saturday February 25th It's late... But all I can say about the day is Ditto... Catch y'all on the other side... Later - Early Afternoon Back porch thermometer. Okay... Now it's just ridiculous for a winter/spring afternoon!
Friday February 24th It's another warm humid morning on the porch. The temperature is 70° and the humidity is fairly high. According to the Space City Weather guys, there's a front floating somewhere to the north... Which is where it's going to stay. Spring has definitely sprung here. There's tree…
Thursday February 23rd Out on the porch this morning... It's a warm 70° with just a bit of humidity. It kind of looks like we're back in the pattern of overcast mornings. The kind of days that look seasonal, you know it looks like it ought to be cold out,…
Wednesday February 22nd Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday February 21st Once again we're starting the day off at 70°. The high today is supposed to be above 80° again. According to the guys at Space City Weather it's supposed to begin to be breezy today. But tomorrow is going to be really windy... Gus to 40 miles…
Monday February 20th It feels about as much like spring as it's possible to feel in the latter third of February... The temperature on the back porch this morning is 62°. It's overcast. And there's a dampness in the air. Prognosticators have indicated that it will top 80° this week,…
Sunday February 19th It's much warmer this morning in the back porch... Depending upon which thermometer you check the temperature is in the 50° range. Some reporting stations or calling it 48°, some are calling it 52°. But, the sun is out and it will be much warmer today... I…
Saturday February 18th It's another chill morning on the back porch. It's 38° to start the day. People to see today and things to do... Catch all on the other side
Friday February 17th It's a chill 38° outside on the back porch. And it's breezy... When's your gusting to 23 mph. But, the sun is out so it should be a beautiful day even if it's chilly. Schools here are out today and Monday. So there's that working... It was…
Thursday February 16th It's 69° on the back porch this morning. Not a very winter like feel. I have to run into Houston today... So, this will be short... Like you exactly this short. Catch you on the other side.
Wednesday February 15th Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday February 14th Valentine's Day Two years ago on this date the deep freeze settled in on Texas. This morning the temperature is 69°. Texas weather... As they say, just wait a few minutes and it'll change. According to the prognosticators, it'll be in the upper, upper 70s today (may…
Monday February 13th It's a cool 43° as I step out this morning before sunrise. There's a haze floating in the air... not quite a fog... After the cool start this morning, the forecast is for the temperatures to rise into the '70s this afternoon. And, tonight's low isn't even…
Sunday February 12th Cold Morning... It's 37° this morning on the back porch. And as the sun comes up it's quite bright. But I won't be spending much time out here ... I'm heading back in to my cup of coffee. It's Sunday morning and I don't have any plans.…
Saturday February 11th Winter has returned to Southeast Texas... at least what we call winter anyway. It's 38° this morning on the back porch. But the sun is rising into clouds... Yesterday afternoon I wandered around the backyard. The woods are still more open than they will be come spring.…
Friday February 10th It's a chill 49° this morning on the front porch. And what's making it so chilly is the brisk breeze from the north. Space City Weather is predicting a blustery day, much cooler than yesterday. And tonight's low is forecast to be at least 10° cooler than…
Thursday February 9th It's a cool clear 43° this morning with a little bit of ground fog. Nature has continued with its early Sprint towards spring. Green leaves are showing up all over the place. I'm even seeing some azaleas with blossoms... Just not mine yet. The birds are showing…
Wednesday February 8th Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday February 7th It's a spring like 65° this morning. And, the world has a decidedly green tint. Shorts and t-shirts are not what I expect for early February attire... But that is exactly what is comfortable this morning. I've been noticing a lot of yellow in the birds that…
Monday February 6th 69th year day zero The weather has turned spring like again... This morning the temperature is 57°. There's a ground fog hanging low in the backyards... Moisture covers everything. Today I celebrate my 69th birthday on this planet. Lately I've found myself inhabiting the memories of my…
Sunday February 5th It's a very pleasant 51° this morning on the back porch. The bird life outside is quite vocal. Nanci Griffith is playing on the computer... Always a pleasant way to start the day. https://youtu.be/DUqLleoZxtM
Saturday February 4th Finally, let there be sun at sunrise... Enjoy your weekend...
Friday February 3rd What can you say about the weather this week? The only word that comes to my mind is... Ditto... Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat Though, no sooner did I start this post, then the sun broke through the clouds ... It's the end of a law in jury…
Thursday February 2nd It's another of these long dreary days. It's 41° and there's a light misty rain falling. It's the same light Misty rain that was falling last night before bedtime. According to the guys at Space City Weather, this week will be the last of our coolish winter…
Wednesday February 1st Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday January 31st Just another in a long line of overcast starts to a cold and dreary day. It's 40° this morning with maybe a 10° warm up as the day goes by before we start out tomorrow at 40° with only a 5° warmer. To the north and west…
Monday January 30th It's another dreary winter day. The temperature this morning was 50°. It's damp... it's breezy... it's chilly. But, all in all, it's not a bad day for the end of January. Although, it does look a little too green out. Since the temperatures are predicted to stay…