Wandering through the blogs I read regularly today led to another interesting discovery... via Colleen thru her sister Kathy to Christina Baldwin and her book "Storycatcher". Now it looks like I need to make another trip to the Amazon site. In reading at the storycatcher.net site a couple of things caught my eye...…
I'll just let Eugene Robinson say it for me...Stay the Course? What Course?: "Today's generation of jihadists was forged in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet occupation. How long will the next generation, being forged in Iraq fighting the American occupation, be with us?Iraq is just one theater in Bush's 'war.' Elsewhere,…
You know my wife hates to be around when I listen to our President. She just can't stand me screaming liar at the TV screen over and over and over and over....you get the idea. But I have to admit Jim Hightower has a real way with words...Jim Hightower THE…
Daily Kos: Texas Democrats Go To Court To Keep DeLay On Ballot: "Texas Democrats Go To Court To Keep DeLay On Ballotby georgia10Fri Jun 09, 2006 at 08:04:07 AM PDTAnd things get even more interesting in TX-22: In a surprise twist to the Tom DeLay saga, the Texas Democratic Party…
Daily Kos: State of the Nation: "The idea that the President's allies in Congress would enact legislation which expressly shields government officials, including the President, from criminal liability for past lawbreaking is so reprehensible that it is difficult to describe. To my knowledge, none of the other proposed bills --…
You know, Tom Delay had been my Congressman for most of my adult life. I have been voting against him for that entire length of time. Today I am happy to say “don’t let the door hit you, Tom.” I look forward to enjoying your retirement from politics. The Washinton…
I continue to hear and read stories about how the business analysts cannot explain the general feeling of unease that the public keeps feeling over the “Robust American Economy”. The keep quoting all of the indicators that they say should make us feel great about where the economy is going,…
You know, you can always tell when George W is in trouble with the polls, he sends out the attack dogs to split the country. What is it with today's Republicants, don't they realize that America and the World is starting to actually pay attention to what they are saying…
Daily Kos: Science Friday: Tis The Season: "Science Friday: Tis The Season by DarkSyde Fri Jun 02, 2006 at 03:41:48 AM PDT In the aftermath of the devastating 2005 hurricane season, the following soundbite was repeated incessantly, packaged in various ways, on every network news station by head meteorologists with…
Jim Hightower HEALTH CARE MORALITY: "How is it that the richest country with the most democratic ideals of any country in the history of the world has 45 million people with no health coverage and millions more with pathetic coverage? And how is it that We The People pay $1.2…
Estate Tax Lunacy: "A decades-long campaign by right-wing activists (brilliantly documented by Yale professors Michael Graetz and Ian Shapiro in their book 'Death by a Thousand Cuts') has convinced many Americans that the estate tax poses a threat to countless hardworking families. That was always nonsense, and under the estate…
I was cleaning up my bookmark list this morning and what usually happens when I try happened. I followed an old link that crashed. Then in trying to find a new clean link to the site I found a article that has more relevance to me now than when it…
The Blog | Bob Burnett: Enemy of the People - Al Gore or George Bush? | The Huffington Post: "There's been a reversal of fortune. Americans are waking up to discover that they made a bad mistake electing George Bush. That he can't be trusted and isn't even that likeable.…
I spend my days in a darkened room staring at twin windows on the electronic world. My twin windows are the twin 20” monitors on which I design my projects before sending them through the cable that ties my machine to the others in this network of interconnected ideas. My…
You know as a resident of the Texas Gulf Coast, living less than 5o miles from the Gulf of Mexico I read articles like this and I am worried, very worried... Is U.S. Ready for Hurricane Season?: "'Last year we didn't have a clue,' said the acting FEMA director, R.…
Jim Hightower | REMEMBER AFGHANISTAN: "Gosh, George W has kept us all so busy trying to deal with his disastrous Iraq war and with his build-up for a whole new war in Iran – that I'd forgotten about his war in Afghanistan! How's that going? It's an important question, since…
Creators.com - Creators Syndicate: "It would be easier to contemplate a two-year holding period if Bush hadn't already wasted so much time. Of particular note in this department is 'the inconvenient truth' -- global warming. Wasting eight years in the face of what we already knew when Bush came in…
The Carpetbagger Report » 'I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever': Posted 9:42 am I admit that I didn't follow the 'controversy' surrounding the Dixie Chicks very closely in 2003, but I can't help but enjoy seeing how the country group isn't backing down now. Now that [Natalie…
Elections Are Crux Of GOP's Strategy: "'The president's run into a perfect political storm where the confluence of natural disasters from last fall, gasoline prices, staff changes, the continuing war in Iraq, all are giving conservatives a defensive fatigue,' said Kenneth Khachigian, a California GOP strategist who served in Ronald…
From The Washington Post Editorial, May 17, 2006 "Why the National Guard?: "Disingenuously, Mr. Bush declared in his address that 'we have enough Guard forces to win the war on terror, to respond to natural disasters and to help secure our border.' That may be true in strictly numerical terms.…
A Lonely Warning On Debt: "'The question I ask is, what sacrifice are we making? Anyone in the know who is watching us has to wonder about our character, our intellectual honesty, our concern about our national security, our nation's competitiveness in the global marketplace now and in the future,…
I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning with the doors and windows open enjoying our unseasonably cool morning, answering email and reading the daily news and views (as in blogs), when my youngest daughter wandered in and wanted to know why the AC wasn't on. Now folks, the…
The Carpetbagger Report "The Washington Post ran an interesting chart this week that every Democrat should memorize. It shows your annual savings under the latest Republican tax cut. Here are the figures: $10,000-$20,000: $2 $20,000-$30,000: $9 $30,000-$40,000: $16 $40,000-$50,000: $46 $50,000-$75,000: $100 $75,000-$100,000: $403 $100,000-$200,000: $1,388 $200,000-$500,000: $4,499 $500,000-$1 million: $5,562…
Fred First asks "Where Are You from?" and adds a template to help answer the question . Check out his page and make your own life poem. Where I'M From by Gary Boyd I am from books by the dozen that started me dreaming, from Lava Soap and bare feet…
This post was first published on a Blogger.com site then moved over and over until it arrived here... Inventing the Myth as I Go Where am I heading and how will I get there? You are welcome to come along for the ride. Try not to fall off as we…