Jim Hightower | REMEMBER AFGHANISTAN: "Gosh, George W has kept us all so busy trying to deal with his disastrous Iraq war and with his build-up for a whole new war in Iran – that I'd forgotten about his war in Afghanistan! How's that going? It's an important question, since…
Creators.com - Creators Syndicate: "It would be easier to contemplate a two-year holding period if Bush hadn't already wasted so much time. Of particular note in this department is 'the inconvenient truth' -- global warming. Wasting eight years in the face of what we already knew when Bush came in…
The Carpetbagger Report » 'I don't feel he is owed any respect whatsoever': Posted 9:42 am I admit that I didn't follow the 'controversy' surrounding the Dixie Chicks very closely in 2003, but I can't help but enjoy seeing how the country group isn't backing down now. Now that [Natalie…
Elections Are Crux Of GOP's Strategy: "'The president's run into a perfect political storm where the confluence of natural disasters from last fall, gasoline prices, staff changes, the continuing war in Iraq, all are giving conservatives a defensive fatigue,' said Kenneth Khachigian, a California GOP strategist who served in Ronald…
From The Washington Post Editorial, May 17, 2006 "Why the National Guard?: "Disingenuously, Mr. Bush declared in his address that 'we have enough Guard forces to win the war on terror, to respond to natural disasters and to help secure our border.' That may be true in strictly numerical terms.…
A Lonely Warning On Debt: "'The question I ask is, what sacrifice are we making? Anyone in the know who is watching us has to wonder about our character, our intellectual honesty, our concern about our national security, our nation's competitiveness in the global marketplace now and in the future,…
I was sitting at the kitchen table this morning with the doors and windows open enjoying our unseasonably cool morning, answering email and reading the daily news and views (as in blogs), when my youngest daughter wandered in and wanted to know why the AC wasn't on. Now folks, the…
The Carpetbagger Report "The Washington Post ran an interesting chart this week that every Democrat should memorize. It shows your annual savings under the latest Republican tax cut. Here are the figures: $10,000-$20,000: $2 $20,000-$30,000: $9 $30,000-$40,000: $16 $40,000-$50,000: $46 $50,000-$75,000: $100 $75,000-$100,000: $403 $100,000-$200,000: $1,388 $200,000-$500,000: $4,499 $500,000-$1 million: $5,562…
Fred First asks "Where Are You from?" and adds a template to help answer the question . Check out his page and make your own life poem. Where I'M From by Gary Boyd I am from books by the dozen that started me dreaming, from Lava Soap and bare feet…
This post was first published on a Blogger.com site then moved over and over until it arrived here... Inventing the Myth as I Go Where am I heading and how will I get there? You are welcome to come along for the ride. Try not to fall off as we…