Be prepared, cause the Washington Post is on a roll this morning...Richard Cohen - Can Bush Save Bush? - "Not too long after Franklin D. Roosevelt died, Republicans insisted on what was to become the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. It was meant to ensure that never again would…
E. J. Dionne Jr. - A Backlash Against Bickering - "The irony is that Bush has fostered a backlash against himself, against ideology and against partisanship that, as a former governor, he should have seen coming." As Governor of Texas, Bush had a very strong democratic legislature to work…
I see I'm not the only one thinking along these lines...Safety Rule 4001 » Nightmare Scenario - Bush Jails Congressional Democrats Citing Aid to Terrorists: "Washington, DC 8/12/2007 - In a stunning move today, President Bush adjourns both houses of Congress and instructs military units to detain all democratic members…
I was sitting at the kitchen table going through my morning emails, reading the blogs I keep up with and generally doing what I do during the quiet of a Saturday morn when after checking out Fragments I started running Fred's link list. Basically, I was looking for some new…
I was sitting at the kitchen table going through my morning emails, reading the blogs I keep up with and generally doing what I do during the quiet of a Saturday morn when after checking out Fragments I started running Fred's link list. Basically, I was looking for some new…
John Scalzi started a hell of a conversation. Join in...I'm proud to be an American, but I'm tired of being ashamed of my government. I'm tired of having to count the seconds until this bilious waste of a president is shoved out the door in January of 2009. I'm tired…
I really did not think the oil companies would be this desperate to keep the Republicans in charge but I guess you keep the ones that are letting you get away with it all. I originally predicted gas at $1.98 by the week before the election...I was about a month…
The Houston Chronicle is reporting that Colin Powell is not backing down from his stand on the issue of American Principles...Nor the decision to invade Iraq.American principles are vital to terror fight, Powell says: "Former Secretary of State Colin Powell defended Wednesday the decision to invade Iraq and topple leader…
You can always tell when election season rolls around, the Republicans start warning about voter fraud. And I love the way they do it... Georgia Law Requiring Voters to Show Photo ID Is Thrown Out - "'There have been enough reports over the years of voter fraud that it…
I guess this is what sticks in my craw most about these self-righteous leaders we are stuck with and Eugene Robinson said it pretty well...Eugene Robinson - Torture Is Torture - "But we shouldn't have to talk about the practicalities of torture, because the real question is moral: What…
A great lady who preceded the mess we had with Gov. G W Bush died last week. Molly Ivins remembers a thing or two in her latest column. Go have a read... - Creators Syndicate: "At a long-ago political do at Scholz Garten in Austin, everybody who was anybody…
Mr. President, this is not a Monopoly Game ('though I'm sure from your point of view, there isn't much difference). You will be held accountable by history if not by the Courts of this world. Congress will not give you a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.You have "Decided" how…
Bush's problem is he sees big issues and has simplistic responses. With his inability to expand, and unwillingness to change, his ideas he leaves even his own party scratching their heads.Tribunal Dispute Could Ruin GOP Strategy - "The problem, Lungren said, is that the complexity of the tribunal and…
After reading this editorial this morning I had the uneasy experience of seeing the White House's Stephen Hadley on Face The Nation, try to justify their reasoning about their "Torture Amendment". His appearance after Sen. Linsey Graham (R-S.C.)who articulated the reason he is opposed to the program was a sham…
You know, I'm getting really tired of this Administration trying to tell me what morality is. As they lie and cheat and push crony politics to new limits, they seem to have a disconnect with reality (like I'm the first person to say that). I can only hope that the…
A few days ago I thought I posted a comment on gas prices, but, for some reasons I could not find it anywhere. So here is a reprise...And the election season has begun...Isn't it just amazing that after months of exceedingly high profits for the oil company's and $3.00 a…
Former Texas Governor, Activist Ann Richards, 73 - "Former Texas governor Ann Richards, the witty and flamboyant Democrat who went from homemaker to national political celebrity, died Sept. 13 after cancer was diagnosed this year, a family spokeswoman said. She was 73."She was a breath of fresh air in…
You know I avoided ABC's fictional account of the lead up to the terrorist attack. Not hard to do since most evenings I turn the TV off after the Newshour if I have even turned it on at all. But for some reason I flipped on ABC to listen to…
Harold Meyerson - With No Ideas, The GOP Seeks to Scare - "What's a party to do when its high road leads nowhere but down? The Republicans tried privatizing Social Security, but their numbers never added up. They tried spreading democracy with unilateral, preventive war but instead unleashed a…
Ok I was wrong...Bloggermann: This hole in the ground - Bloggermann - "History teaches us that nearly unanimous support of a government cannot be taken away from that government by its critics. It can only be squandered by those who use it not to heal a nation's wounds, but…
I was reading the morning papers (on-line of course), and Richard Cohen's column had some interesting thoughts. His contention that Bin Laden has won resonates. He lays out a very good case that everything Bin Laden set out to accomplish he has, and the Bush Administration has taken each of…
I was trying to come up with a way of expressing my feelings for this anniversary of the day America awoke to the realities of the world...This post led to same thoughts...Daily Kos: The lessons of 9-11: "The lessons of 9-11by kosMon Sep 11, 2006 at 10:53:17 AM PDTAravosis learned…
Do you want to really get mad? Review what you know happened without the years of spin from the White House. Then pass it on...It's time to take back America.Lie By Lie: "Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold: August 1990 to March 2003The first drafts of history are…
As a followup to the previous post and a commentary on the many conservative pundants who don't understand the sour attitude of the American Public on the state of the economy I would like to point to this Washington Post Editorial:Mr. Bush and Labor DayWorkers aren't benefiting from growth.Monday, September…
Whatever: Being Poor: "Being poor is people who have never been poor wondering why you choose to be so.Being poor is knowing how hard it is to stop being poor.Being poor is seeing how few options you have.Being poor is running in place.Being poor is people wondering why you didn't…
The Carpetbagger Report » Blog Archive » President Cheney: "President CheneyWe've all heard the jokes, some of them funny, about Dick Cheney being the real president, but over the weekend, Robert Kuttner made a compelling case that the jokes actually understate the case  Cheney really is the one 'running…
Fred at Fragments posted this link this morning. You should jump on over and check the article. I know I will be looking for the magazine at the B&N this week to read the rest. Scientific A Climate Repair Manual: "Translation of scientific consensus on climate change into a…
Bush Team Casts Foes as Defeatist: "When Bush and his allies accuse those favoring such a timetable of 'self-defeating pessimism,' as Cheney put it this week..."I guess that should make me proud to be an American, the land where name calling is the name of the game when you don't…
The Writer's Almanac from American Public Media: "It's the birthday of political humorist Molly Ivins, born in Monterey, California (1944)."Have a great birthday Molly...And many more. Your humor is appreciated and I marvel at your optimism.
I guess this pretty much explains the shenanigans in Florida in 2000...ORLANDO, Aug. 25 -- Rep. Katherine Harris (R-Fla.) said this week that God did not intend for the United States to be a 'nation of secular laws' and that the separation of church and state is a 'lie we…