The election may be over but the battle to protect the American Constitution has just begun. Do not think that if these rulings are allowed to stand that they will only be used against non-citizens. It will only be a matter of time before someone born in this country is spirited…
Why can't papa Bush just slap him up side his head? Where will this country be after two more years? Hell, everyone reading these posts know how I feel about the decider-in-chief, so forgive my whining...please? Good lord, if even Henry Kissinger now says that military victory in Iraq is…
I find myself intrigued... I'd like to try this idea in Elizabeth, New Jersey Tyler Cowen How about cities without any traffic signs or lights?: European traffic planners are dreaming of streets free of rules and directives. They want drivers and pedestrians to interact in a free and humane way,…
This morning's OP-ED from David Broder makes some interesting points. He has divided the Bush Presidency into four phases. I think he should have added a fifth. In trying to gauge where things stand in our government after the political upheaval that has taken place, it helps to think back through the…
Excuses sound hollow when you’re trapped in a flimsy trailer. For Gulf Coast residents waiting for long-promised government housing assistance, patience has given way to anger, and anguish. What is clear more than a year after Hurricane Katrina is that their needs — and the demand for action from the…
It is nice to read something on the Op-Ed pages at the WSJ that I can agree with for a change. Looks like the new Senator from Virginia has a way with telling it like it is... The most important--and unfortunately the least debated--issue in politics today is our society's steady drift toward a…
She was the last of the Blue Governors from the Great State of Texas. Bush and Rove lied her out of office. Now the whole country knows what it's like to live in Texas. AUSTIN — A downtown bridge famous for political marches, parades and a bat colony will soon…
Today's emails brought the following: On their journey through the stages of grief, conservatives don't yet seem to have gotten past denial. Republicans may have lost, conservatives argue, but only because they misplaced their ideology. "[T]hey were punished not for pursuing but for forgetting conservatism," George F. Will, conservatism's most…
It really does my heart good to see the "l" word starting to be used in regards to the administration. Maybe if we quit dodging the truth, it will set us free..."Washington's easy acceptance of lying, especially presidential lying, is beyond lamentable. It has cost the country plenty, including, of…
"When Democratic committee chairmen issue subpoenas and conduct oversight hearings, will news accounts portray them as harassing the White House? Or will journalists recognize that aggressive congressional inquiries were a normal practice until the GOP Congress, which loved to investigate the Clinton White House, essentially stopped scrutinizing the Bush administration?…
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.After arguing during the campaign that Democrats would undermine national security, President Bush changed course today and said America's enemies should not read this week's ground-shaking election results as a sign of U.S. weakness.Bush radio: Elections do not reflect a loss of…
"Journalists by nature shy from pinning the "liar" label on any political leader, but President Bush's acknowledgments that he had not been forthcoming about his plans to dump Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld have kicked up a fuss at the White House and sparked a debate about the limits of…
I guess the reason I have been quiet in regards to the resounding change in the political climate is I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Congratulation to all of the winners across the country. In particular, congratulation to us, the American people. We have begun the…
This story caught my interest today because the company I work for changed our insurance to United last year. Now I wonder who it is that is being insured.How William McGuire earned that fat paycheck | - Houston Chronicle: "Moral hazard theory, which has governed health insurance since the…
If there is any question about what happened yeaterday, think about this...Half full: Perceptions of the economy, like its rewards, vary wildly and help to explain the election results. | - Houston Chronicle: "Houston is an informative example. In a city that is home to some of the world's…
Angry Campaigns End on an Angrier Note -"'As you go to the polls, remember we're at war,' (President Bush) told thousands of GOP supporters in Pensacola, Fla. 'And if you want this country to do everything in its power to protect you and at the same time lay a…
I think anyone who has read my post would know my political leaning, but that's beside the point. Today's lesson in democracy is Go Vote. This really is one of those things where if you don't use it, you lose it.
That's the question Eugene Robinson asks in today's column.Eugene Robinson - How Low Will Bush Go? -"If Democrats manage to take control of one or both houses of Congress on Tuesday, the reason will be that voters were not adequately roused into a state of heart-pounding, knee-knocking, teeth-chattering fear.Not…
All I am going to say is, I agree.The Great Divider - New York Times: "As President Bush throws himself into the final days of a particularly nasty campaign season, he’s settled into a familiar pattern of ugly behavior. Since he can’t defend the real world created by his policies…
The record of this administration should be the textbook example in why corporations are not “persons”. And now, before they can’t get away with it anymore, it’s time for the payback. As if most of the laws and tax cuts haven’t done enough…Groups draft plan to protect corporate America:By STEPHEN…
No one else would have come up with the throw down quote below.Who Needs to 'Help' America Vote? -"Having fixed Iraq and New Orleans, the federal government's healing touch is now being applied to voting. As a result, days -- perhaps weeks -- might pass after Election Day without…
No wonder they all want Hillary to run. How else can they blame it on a Clinton?Future Tax Shock - New York Times: "One of President Bush’s be-very-afraid lines this campaign season is that Democrats, if elected, will raise taxes. What he doesn’t say is that if you are one…
Those of us forced to follow George W Bush's career from the start have been saying it for years. Now the press is starting to catch on. They would have done a better job of living up to their charter had they just believed it in the beginning. Sadly they…
Instead of a GOTV the GOP has started a SOTV...GOP Aims to Scare Up Big Voter Turnout - "With top Republican strategists now privately predicting substantial House losses, President Bush and top GOP officials plan to spend the final days of the 2006 campaign attempting to rally partisans and…
I found the following passage intriguing. It may have taken them a hundred plus years, but those “Republican editors” appear to have found the butter…But now it’s margarine, as it a imitation of the real thing.The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau's Journal: 19-Oct-1859: "Thoreau's Journal: 19-Oct-1859Some eighteen hundred years…
Do you feel safer with your lawful rights in the hands of these people?A Dangerous New Order - New York Times: "Once President Bush signed the new law on military tribunals, administration officials and Republican leaders in Congress wasted no time giving Americans a taste of the new order created…
Eugene Robinson makes a good point today.'Values' Choice for The GOP - "The culture war is supposed to be about morality, but really it's a crusade to compel Americans to follow certain norms of private behavior that some social and religious conservatives believe are mandated by sociology, nature or…
Once again Keith Olbermann speaks strongly from the point of view a growing majority of Americans are beginning to share. Sadly, he is one of the few willing to speak directly to President Bush about the dishonesty inherent in his policies. Mr Olbermann seems to be one of the few…
You know, it is getting really old hearing time after time that had we been told Bin Laden was going to blow up the Twin Towers we would of listened but since it was so vague, you know, we can't be held responsible for not listening.Tenet Recalled Warning Rice -…
George Will spends a whole column being apologetic for the Bush administration before closing with the key paragraph...George F. Will - The Leaders We Have - "'Where's the leader?' Bush, according to Woodward, has exclaimed in dismay about the Iraqi government's dithering. 'Where's George Washington? Where's Thomas Jefferson? Where's…